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Healing a cut quicky?

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hey, just a quick question, its jsut tht i have has this cut for around a couple of weeks now and its begginin to annoy me as it wont heal to well.



The cuts on my foreskin right near the top so obviosuly, if it does scab over slightly it kinda slips open agen when i wanna go to the toilet!

it doesnt bleed or anything and its only a thin cut, i cant think whre i got it from either but i nd a quick way of healing a wound lik this!!



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its not tht it wont heal its jsut tht its an area tht moves a lot ,mainly when i goto the toilet lik i sed, so cant have a long enough time to scab over, jw if anyone had ne ideas thts all.

thankx anyway tho, if it does seem to be infected or nethin ill see my doctor

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Hmmmmm........ I would suggest wearing boxers if you don't already and looser fitting pants if at all possible to give it time to "heal" properly. Friction may be the culprit. Also, you could try a little aloe vera. It has amazing healing properties.

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