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Work related injuries MEN! (If you know tell me please!!!)

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Muscel strain, hernia or stomach cancer?


My boyfriend has had 3 ultra scan's now and has been given the all clear, but he's still in pain after a year.


The pain is in the right hand side but spreads to the left. He has a lump in his stomach, constapation and severe pains if he lifts anything. Anything can mean: Shopping, a saucepan thats too heavy, the kettle and things like that.


It happened last december while lifting a heavy delivery at work. He's been in and out of hospital and they have done nothing for him! He is now seeing a physiopheropist privatly and has been for the past mouth. But nothing is improving and I was wondering if there was someone who may have had this type of injury that won't show up on scans, that might know


A. What it might be.

B. What treatment is advised.

C. What type of tests will bring it up.




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I'm definitely not a doctor, but it sounds like a hernia or severe muscle strain to me. Have they biopsied the lump in his stomach? Have they done a complete blood work up? My friend has an abdominal hernia and is having it removed this month. She has a huge bulge in her stomach and is in a lot of pain too. I don't know, I would get a second and a third opinion if necessary. Also, has he considered alternative care, like a chiropractor? My family has been helped tremendously and if you find a good one they are worth their weight in gold!

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No he hasn't.

But I will deffinatly print that out for him. He's already had about 4 opinions and 3 different ultra scans. I read up about it and it said that it would be an xray but I'm not sure. It's not a hernia because it would have shown up. I was thinking he might have pulled a ligiment but I don't know.


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Doctors sure are quick to take your money, but slow on diagnosing! Poor guy!! Well, keep going. There has to be someone there that knows what they are doing!! I would suggest at least the blood work up and an xray wouldn't hurt. If it starts in his arm then maybe even an orthopedic or is that the kind of doctor he is seeing already? I hope he feels better soon!

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He needs to go back and keep going back or go private if you can afford it, even if its just to have a second opinion. Cant be a bad thing.

NHS doctors are busy and strained, they are like us, they mess up and they miss things.

Ask for an exploritory operation, a magic eye. Ask them for one. Who cares if you keep bothering them, its their job to find out whats wrong with him so make them by keep going back. It may or not be serious but he shouldnt have to live in pain.

Dont stand to be told there is nothing wrong when there IS!!

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