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NC is getting easier..but i'm depressed :(

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It's now over a week - don't count anymore - NCing. It's actually getting easier like a habit, unlike what I thought & I'm getting more certain it was the right decision.


However, I'm not normal yet. There is 'unease' inside my heart & I feel like waiting for something. I'm waiting for an explanation for all this..waiting for a relief. And I can't do or enjoy anything until I get what I'm waiting for (not sure what).

I also avoid anything have something to do with love (movies, etc).


I go to my school & do what I'm supposed to be doing, but I'm not willing to do anything if it's up to me.


Is it a normal stage? Will I pass it? I need hope.

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this is absolutely normal and yes it will pass. it just takes some time, but stick to no contact whatever you do. also...try to keep yourself busy..even if you dont want to go out...do it anyways sometimes, or at least have a friend over.


i rememeber last year when starting my healing over my ex, i didnt want to go anywhere at all. this was right at the end of the baseball season..and my best friend came over pretty much every night and we just watched the red sox and lifted weights. i never went out...but just doing that helped a lot. so..stay busy.

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Hey Cinnamon. HockeyBoy is right...even if you don;t feel like getting out

of the house, do it anyway. It will help. I like driving with the windows

open....even if I am not going anywhere specific..it helps clear my head.

I have also been working out at home, with weights and the treadmill. I have been following a workout plan, this is my third week and now if I don't work out I feel guilty! LOL I love the way I feel afterward, which is WHY I keep doing it. Great stress relief!

I envision myself in 3 months after working out..that's ALSO motivation

Keep your chin up ..it gets better!

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