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Hi Godsmack,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I understand that you have a question regarding fingering/eating out a girl.


Sexual preferences vary from person to person. Some people like this, others like that. For example: tying up a girl is not my cup of tea, but some girls just love to be tied up or being roughed.


My suggestion is that you take things slow. Earlier you wrote that 'people' should be surprised what youngsters your age do. However, I also hear a lot of people being sorry for loosing their virginity too early or that they were not ready for it. There's also the problem of teenage pregnancy.


My advice thereforeeeeee is: don't try to keep up with the Jones. There's so much more time for you to get to things. Be a teenager and have some fun. If you feel that you're ready, make sure you USE PROTECTION at all times!


I hope that this helps you.


~ SwingFox ~

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Well, my buddies are always telling me about it (I don't try to be like them, I prefer to wait a bit) and it just grosses me out for some reason when they talk about fingering/eating out.


I just wanted to know if i was weird or if it's normal.

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well, i take the same stance as the rest as far as waiting...but you asked if it's normal so i thought i'd throw in my two cents...


im 22 and just a couple years ago i thought givin a girl oral was gross too...for some reason though i didn't have a problem with vice-versa (her on me)...but really i guess it comes down to being comfortable with your and her body...AND KNOWING THAT SHES GOT GOOD HYGIENE! LOL when everythings fresh and clean, i dont picture it as gross anymore...i just picture it as one more thing i could do to please her (and myself)...


but listen..dont do stuff that your not comfortable with...its not just you. i know some GIRLS that dont like to have that done to them so maybe your girl wouldnt even want ya to...


anyhow, just take ya time and dont rush into doing stuff and getting crazy. let things happen slowly and comfortably, not just coz ya friends talk about it or something. keep in mind...when a guy or a girl gives oral to another person...theres no protection there from STD's.


ps. im a virgin so take my advice for what its worth

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Hey...well, the reason u r grossed out is because you are probably not ready. I guess u might find it nasty, because you are not comfortable with a girl right now. When you find a girl that you are comfortable with and really like her, you might not be as grossed out as you thought.

Well, good luck with that.

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well me personally i love doing, it, i am 24 and it has never grossed me out, i cud do it all day long, doesnt taste bad at all if they are clean, wouldnt do it to some stinker with bad hygiene, but I think it is natural, and fingering can be fun, just know the right spots to hit. If you want then to give you a blow job you have to do the same back, do onto others what they do onto u

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