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I have a tendency to get really depressed around the time my period is supposed to start. I dont want to go anywhere, see anybody... go to work, nothing. I just want to cry, go to sleep and stay like that for a long time. Is there ANY relief of this PMS related depression? As soon as my period starts, I feel normal. But right now I feel simply awufl and I dont know how to deal with it.

Any suggestions would be great.

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lol I get really bad PMS too!!


I get in really bad moods with my boyfriend for nothing in particular (anything irritates me) and i know its PMS- i usually cry and say that im really sorry but i want to be alone- if im at a party or with my friends I have to make an excuse to go home cos i have an awful time if ive got PMS and just feel like cryin all night; I usually feel really fat and ugly aswell and dont want to leave the house!! Sometimes I feel like everyone is against me and life is really bad-but when i come out of my depression after a day or two ITS FINE AGAIN!!


I wouldnt worry that much your definitely not alone- think most girls get it but in different amounts


Id make a calendar of when you're due on and highlight the days you know that you'll have PMS- then you can remind yourself life isnt really that bad- ITS JUST PMS!!!

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