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How does my ex feel about me?

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I will give a short history about my situation. My ex girlfriend left me to be back with her ex boyfriend.

Last night I met my ex after a week of not seeing her. Once she got in the car, she held my hand (like she always does) while I was driving. She would kiss my hand and bite my arm very affectionately. This made me feel like it was old times. We went to the park and held each other. I did not make any moves on her. She kept touching me and kissing me. She tells me she does not feel comfortable around her. He would try to be close to her and she would make an excuse to push him away. She says that she does not feel like she is his girlfriend but she feels like she belongs to him though. I don't get it. He comes over her house any time he feels like it and talks to he parents if she doesn't talk to him. He is trying to be around more. But, when she sees me, she holds me so much. We feel so comfortable with each other. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thank you

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Sure, lemme get my flashlight


Here goes: how do you feel over the situation? What is it that you'd like to happen? Getting back together? Staying apart? Do nothing?


You might want to answer those questions first. After you decide, you might want to talk to your ex and see what the possibilities are. You might or might not get back together, but if you'd like to, you might have to take action now, before it's too late. Make sure that you know what your boundaries are and what you expect out of a relationship.


I wish you good luck and I hope that everything works out the way you have them planned.


~ SwingFox ~

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Hi Swingfox,


My situation now is that I want to get her back. But she feels like she needs to give him a second chance even though she says she is in love with me. She has never said that to her ex before. She is feeling pressured from her parents to get back with him and the harsh ways she treated him before they broke. She is feeling lots of guilt thereforeeeeee feels more at ease if she just gives it another shot with him, even if it means losing me. I know I need to do something now but what. I can't change her mind. We have talked many times about this. It seems to draw her further away from me. I am trying not to contact her and just let her do what she needs to do, but it's so hard. I am lost.

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