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Shes makin all the moves..and im lost

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Me and my girlfriend have been goin out for a lil while now and so far shes been makin all the moves more or less. I know she has more expirience in relationships then I do and she knows she does too. I'm just kinda lost I want to not have her alone make everything happen but play some role in this relationship. any suggestions im listenin

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Well I guess just be sure to communicate this to her first of all. And second you need to beat her to the punch...when she walks through the door surprise her with a kiss...and once she is starting, do to her as she does to you...harmony my friend, harmony

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Hey Raven. I think if your girl is making all the moves in your relationship then thats a good thing. she is showing shes a Leader, and wants to make things happen with you. it's her way of showing shes OVER all comfortable with you. but if you want to be more Forward into your relationship then let her know. by starting something new. Something that she would like, that hasn't been done yet. use your imagination, I know you have one I've seen it in your Poems. you have talent you just have to get in touch with What would be interesting/something NEW...! give that a thought...

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This sounds like a pretty good deal to me, but since you're feeling a little like you're getting dragged along for the ride, think about what you want and are not getting, and talk to her about it. But you're a genius imo, and don't know it! You see, smart guys let the girls move relationships forward, and your lack of trying to do it makes her comfortable and makes her feel you just like plain like being with her (and presents a challenge), and makes her want you even more. When I say girls move it forward, it's not always direct, but it can be comments like "Where is this relationship going?" of "Why are we not going steady yet?" or ""Susan's getting married ." lol Know what I mean? Just keep her hanging until she presents these things, and if you want to move forward, do it. If not, you have the power to end it, too.

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