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pimples anyone? plump lips?

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Use a good antiseptic facewash. that gets rid of spots. Keep it up. Dont wear makeup at all if you can and get a little sun on your face. If you have to wear makeup always apply it with a clean sponge not your fingers. There is more poo on your hands than on your bum!! True. and most of it is not yours. Clean clean clean . If you use fingers you just spread germs into the makeup.

If acne persisits go to your doctor, thye are a whiz at clearing it up these days with antibiotic creams etc.


Plump lips up with plumping lipstick. Lots of them about.

Also a little tiger balm stimulates blood flow and pumps up. Kising plumps up.

Also wear pinkish rather than red lipsstick with a little frosting or those new glitterish ones.


Good luck

Love nenez xxx

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