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Don't bother calling back?

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I called my friend earlier & left a message on his voicemail today to just hi since it has been a while since I last heard from him and we actually talked...


We have been playing some phone tag lately..


Well, he did just return my call but I got a weird 18 second voice mail on my machine saying "Hey" Don't bother calling me back today, don't call me back today it's Wedensday" Then after he said that he said that he got my postcard & he got myspace to check it and that he will talk to me later. Is it just me or was that a weird voice mail? Am I thinking to much about this message? Maybe he will be to busy later to pick up?

I just don't understand what he meant by that? He said 2 times on my machine to not to call him back today(without a reason why) Hmmm,

Opinions, anyone?

Do you think something is wrong or am I worrying to much about the message?


Thanks in advance.

~ didyoumissme?

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Maybe he's got an important meeting to go to?


Is it possible he's meeting a new gf/bf?


Could he be going somewhere where phone calls are not allowed, e.g. doctors, hospital, movies, etc.


I'm sorry I can't be anymore help.


The only way to find out is to ask him tomorrow.


Good luck.

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Maybe he's got an important meeting to go to?


Is it possible he's meeting a new gf/bf?


Could he be going somewhere where phone calls are not allowed, e.g. doctors, hospital, movies, etc.


I'm sorry I can't be anymore help.


The only way to find out is to ask him tomorrow.


Good luck.

Yeah, Maybe... I was thinking I would wait for him to call me back?
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Good idea.


If he's got any sense at all he probably will think he's upset you and want to put it right.


So I agree, just have patience.


Good luck.



Yeah, I still haven't contacted him any at all. I'm going to try not too because the message was a lil rude. It did upset me. A part of me wants to ask what was meant by that message but another part saids , just let it go, at least.. for now..

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Just continue with what you're doing. Wait and see waht a few more days does.


Good luck and take care.

Thankyou! How have you been?

Heres a little update


Well, he called me the other night on my phone but I missed the phone call because it was almost 12 midnight and I was sleeping.

Even tho there was no message from him, it was still good to see he tried to call. Do you think it's a good idea for me to wait to see if he tries calling me again, still continue what I'm doing?

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