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Bodyhair, attractive or not?

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So i have like lots of hair on my legs and chest. I am imberrased sometimes to take of my shirt like on a water theme pasrk or something casue of all the hair i have. Now do some women thing its attractive or they dont care?When it comes to sec and sexuall activities does hair bother both the women and men.What is waxing for?When i shave hair grows back rapidly,can i do anything about it.So basically, WHAT IS UP WITH BODYHAIR?

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every woman likes different things.. or say if she loves a man she doesnt care about his hair...

my ex was very hairy, i didnt care cause i loved him...

my bf is not as hairy.... and he also shaves (some parts) which i find nice and i like it... and mans hair on arms and legs and some on chest turns me on

so its different for everyone... do whatever you are comfy with and then when you have a gf you will see what she likes.. you can always wax if you like......

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I think it's hot for guys to have a little hair on their chest, but not much. I also love happy trails. They are so hot!!! Leg hair doesn't bother me at all as long as teh guy doesn't have black hair and pasty white legs. Back hair tends to gross me out. This is my opinion, other girls have different opinions. If it bothers you that much, just get it waxed.

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