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Here is the thing i don't know what to do.. with my furture, or my present!

im confused from the inside out. and my friends just don't get me, and i don't think they want to.. yeah i know crappy friends..

Anyway, i had it all planed out what i wanted to do with this new school year, and what i wanted to do with the rest of my life, but now im contradicting myself, but why! My dreams of the furture and present i wanted is crashing down, becoming nightmares and i don't know why?!?

My stress and anxiety is at an all time high and for.... nothing?? I don't know, if anyone understands my problem, please help in any way.. or if you have an opinion on why i could feel so confused etc.. please feel free to say...

thank you

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You are doing fine...what are yours goals??

make some, what are your motives to get to

the goal? Think about how much you want to make

and what jobs pay that amount and look at some

job sites, the sites usually tell you their criteria and

you'd be surprised what they are


Im thinkin about massage therapy, they make a grip!

Theres also pediatrician, or maybe a doctor of some

sourt. Im still kind of confused and..I'm a senior.


The aims requirments says you have to pass math..

im needing to pass it still, in order to graduate, but

im taking classes everyday before and after school.



you set your mind to it and you'll accomplish

your goals. Put your all into it. Its not to late!



so what year are you?

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sorry for the delayed reply...

I have goals, but i believe they might be impossible.

I want to be an actress/screenplay writer, and yes im a hopeless dreamer, but that is what i love to do, act and write, ... but i guess im wanting too much too fast, i want fame and furtune before im even getting started, i just got to pick one goal at a time..

and find ways to accomplish them.. thanks bunches!!


im in 10th, but i still worry about my furture!!


And Good Luck with your goals!!!

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