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i personally think it's fun to seem like one style and compeltely be another...

I do this for fun, because I do not fit any sort of category, so it's fun to personify a certain style and have people assume it, and then completely take them off guard, lol u should try it one day...

but yeah, i agree, peolpe are just trying to find who they really are so they start off with templates and eventually borrow from other styles and customize...

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Actually there is an evolutionary motive for this human behavior, its in our genes! we all have this need to feel part of a "tribe" we feel comfortable in small villages groups etc.


But city life makes that impossible, so we have adapted the next best thing, we form clubs, join teams, hook up with a gang, become a member of a group, all in the effort to feel part of that "tribe".


for example, your on a Bus, and basically everyone is a stranger and you just sit there, then someone walks in wearing a sweater with a sweater bearing your home town high school, you instantly feel comfortable with this person, he could be a psycho killer for all you know, but you have instant rapport with him because he is "part of your tribe".


everyone has this need to feel part of a small group, they have even studied the best group size, humans are most comfortable in tribes under 250 people.

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I'm a psych major, and we learned this in one of our classes:


It's not the individuals who label themselves, it's society. If you ask any individual how he/she labels him/herself, he/she will probably say no label, because he/she considers him/herself unique and can't fit into any hard category.

NOW, if you ask another person to label this previous person we just talked to, a label could probably be easily applied.

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I'm a psych major, and we learned this in one of our classes:


It's not the individuals who label themselves, it's society. If you ask any individual how he/she labels him/herself, he/she will probably say no label, because he/she considers him/herself unique and can't fit into any hard category.

NOW, if you ask another person to label this previous person we just talked to, a label could probably be easily applied.


When you wear a blazer that reads "Pistons" you are labeling yourself as a pistons fan, you are part of that group.


when a gang member puts on his blue or red bandana he is making it clear what tribe he is in.


If someone dresses in black and red and uses dark makup etc. he or she has joined the order of Goth, they hang out together, listen to certain kinds of music, you wont see many goths listening to broadway tunes, they wouldnt fit in.


They want to believe they are individual yet to fit in, they need to put on their coat of arms so to speak.


why not be a "punk" but dress normally, well, you wouldnt fit into the "punk" tribe at all would you?


So like Skyfire said, its not individuality that people are striving for, its wanting to belong to a group thats not too popular.


After all, if every single persons was a "pistons" fan what fun would that be? the illusion of being part of something unique is gone. and you no longer feel special or different.

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Iono what i see when teenagers are doing this.They are all trying so fricken hard too make themseleves different.Say getting tattoos or piercings.Wearing dark clothes or preppy clothes.My sister does this everyday changing the way she looks.Some people really like it.But i think all teenagers are exactly the same by trying to be different.It might be something neat to change from one way too another but iono.

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I think it definitely lessens after high school, that's probably (IME) the height of people trying to be a part of a group and fit a label.


I actually had to laugh at your one line gilgamesh.


why not be a "punk" but dress normally, well, you wouldnt fit into the "punk" tribe at all would you?


Again I think that only applies to teenagers for the most part. I met my now boyfriend at a punk show when I was 15 and he was 13. At that point there would be no doubt what label we fit.


These days we are still going to punk shows together, still listening to the same music, but I'd say 90% of the time no one could tell. We both have tattoos, but none that are visible in a t-shirt with sleeves. My boyfriend has a mohawk but always wears a hat or bandana that covers it up unless it's one of those rare occasions where he puts it up (maybe 3 times in the last 6 months?). I have a pierced tongue but no one notices unless I mention it, my boyfriend has his septum pierced but only has it showing about 50% of the time, the rest of the time (at work and such) it's flipped up. The same with clothes, t-shirts and jeans for the most part. I'm as likely to wear a plain t-shirt as to wear a band shirt, and my boyfriend is as likely to have a shirt from work (various electricial comapnies) as a band shirt.


I think when you get older you find your own tribe, but at that point what music you listen to stops mattering and how you dress stops mattering. It's more about personality. Heck, my bestfriend does a decent amount of his shopping at J. Crew. Granted I give him a hard time over that, but that's just because I think they are way overpriced.


So to the OP I'd try not to worry about it too much right now and to keep in mind that it really is only temporary and that after high school you'll likely have no clue who was what back then.

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Well there is nothing wrong with any of this, its not only natural to want to be part of a group, organization, tribe or whatever, I believe its a psychological need programmed into our genes.


people need to feel part of some team or group, whether its the bridge club, a religious group, or a street gang, its all the same.


reminds me of that movie "Castaway" by Tom Hanks, he actually created an imaginary character using a Soccer ball, "Wilson". we humans just have a hard time being alone and isolated for long periods of time.


But a little isolation and self contemplation I believe is very therapeutic. you really get to know yourself. I once spent 3 days hiking alone in the grand canyon, without seeing or hearing any other humans, its an interesting experience.

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