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What do girls do when they're shy around a guy?

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dont look into his eyes


amen to that.



they blush (some people I'm sure can't blush cause they never do..), they become either very or overly energetic because they're anxious, or they just shut up completely. They would look down, cover side of their neck with hand (some weird defence mechanism) etc. look at a girl you don't have a crush on and you can see and identify signs, you see things objectively when not looking at your crush. Then try to objectively apply the same to your crush when you're sure of what's sign and what's not.

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My guy friends look for "the stumble". I never realized this till they pointed it out, but it's true. When a girl walks away from a conversation with a guy she's really into she'll often stumble a little because her mind is back on the conversation and not on what she's doing at the moment (i.e. walking, lol).

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  • 3 weeks later...

minty80 lol


i blush to the colour of beetroot my heart pounds, i feel all hot, i can't concentrate on anything else, if anyone else speaks to me i can't hear them!


always happens when this guy i like smiles at me.


makes me feel all girly and wana hide behind my hair. i don't think i walk away in a straight line!my legs turn to jelly


at this point in time if my fave chocolate bar was shuved under my nose i wouldn't notice it

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Does capsizing a boat count as the "stumble". Me and this girl i like were sailing partners over the summer and on this really windy day (25 knots i think) we wernt even consentrating on sailing the boat. I don't know what she was doing but i was sailing the boat subcontiously. I didn't even remember turing or have to make adjustment becasue we were haveing this really great convo. basically one second were deep in a conversation then the next i was sitting in the water next to her with out boat upside down and me saying to myself "wtf i don't even remember trying to do anything to stop it." Its wasn't even that hard to stop the capsize all we had to do was lean out a tad but we didn't even try so would that count as a "stumbe"?

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