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Oral sex with best friends cousin

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The other night my best friends older cousin invited me to his apartment. We've been joking around about our relationship for a while now, and calling eachother pet names, but I always thought it was a joke. A few months ago, we were all in my friends basement playing video games and watching movies just to pass time until he (my friends cousin) left. He had decided not to leave, and he told me that he would rather stay with me, and he ditched his best friend. I thought nothing of it, I figured it was just another joke, but later that night while we were sharing a blanket he had started to feel my leg under the covers. I had forgotten about it until 2 days ago when he called me after an intereting conversation we had earlier that day. When I got to his house to see that nobody was home, I expected sometihng might happen. But I didn't think that I would end up giving him oral sex. We had cuddled and kissed quite a bit that night, and I had to tell my best friend about it after her whole family had suspected I was at his house. Worse, I am dating somebody else, and I really like him. I don't know how I should bring the subject up to my friends cousin to figure out what is going on between us... I NEED HELP!

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WOW...umm thats a story, did you feel forced into oral sex. and why would you do it if you were already in a relationship, i guess thats the first 2 questions i have, but more...i think that this should remain a secret for as long as possible, but then again keeping things from your partner ESP. something like this might make you fell un easy....i would try to tell him in a way that he would understand. sit him down tell him what took place. i guess you would have to input your own words/feelings into what you want to say, since I'm a guy...i don't have to much info. on this question on what you should do.?

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well you walked into that one. First i don't think that you should put yourself in situations where you "think something is going to happen" when you are dating someone else. Seems your conversations probably lead to that moment.

So deal is, you cheated. Do yourself a favor, give yourself a really hard kick in the ass, and never ever do that to anyone or yourself ever agian.

Your current man has a RIGHT to know. Which means you owe it to him to tell him, and then prob lose him. But try and not think of yourself here, you made the choice to cheat...now you have to deal with the outcomes of doing so.

So I would say the first thing is the only person you should talk to is your boyfriend. Then if you want more to happen with the other guy, then worry about talking to him. And i have a feeing.. he is in it for the sport of it.....

but thats just my take...what's yours?

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First of all, no one can be forced into oral sex, u did it because u wanted to. secondly if the other guy was so special to you u would not have gotten yourself into that situation, don't tell me u didn't know what was gonna happen between a boy and a girl who are attracted to each other who are alone in a house. u should start by admitting that first, then u should get your priorities straight- what or who exactly do u want? and


p.s if u plan to stay with the other guy, don't ever tell him this. its not all times that the truth will set u free. and try not to go around doing that if your're involved with someone, its not a good thing, bad for your rep to aight?



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First of all, yes, you can be forced into oral sex (if you are a girl, possibly if you are a guy too) if the person pushes you against a wall, headboard of a bed, or on the floor and forces their member into your mouth, that's FORCING last time I checked.. So saying something like it's not possible is just bs.

However, this does not seem to be the case here. You did put yourself into this situation and it sounds as though you wanted to do it. I agree with segagirl, fess up to your boyfriend. He may decide to forgive you, he may not but that's the price you have to pay.

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THAT's B.S if a guy forces his member into a girl's mouth all she has to do is bite, unless he has a gun or something to her head, and thats a worst case scenario which was not the case. thats just a load of crap, she wanted to do it, this board is suppose to be honest, lets try being that.

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Oh yeah, let's bite it, first off, that's disgusting, second off, the girl could end up getting into just as much trouble as the guy for doing something like that. And with something like that going on, who's to say the guy wouldn't try killing her. Guns and knives work great and quickly, but a human can strangle or break a neck in a heartbeat. Plus, in that situation, if it's being forced, the girl could be choking, so a fight to breathe or possibly choke more is the question. And who do you think the court system would sympathize with more, the girl who was "forced" or the guy who lost his dick?

And by the way, IF you read my ENTIRE message, which you OBVIOUSLY didn't, I said, IN THIS CASE, she wanted to do it. So I was being honest, thank you. Next time read the whole damn thing before you open you mouth.


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  • 5 months later...

My question is... do you want the boyfriend, or do you want a relationship? I think most people end up finding someone and only after that decide they want a relationship. If that's the case here, you have to choose: "freedom" versus having this guy. Most girls it seems to me choose "freedom," but I have praise for anyone who picks love or any other high ideal over practical convenience.

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