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Why does he keep me on his contact list?

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A guy that broke up with me 3 months ago still has me on his contact list and has never tried to block me. He acted like he was really angry over what I did(even though I didn't see what I did as wrong). I tried apologzing to him on several occasions but he just would not pick up the phone or write back to me online. I was wondering, if he hates me so much, why does he still have me on his instant messenger contact list? He also has not blocked me ever froom writing him. He uses MSN messenger all the time and knows all the tricks to it so I would think that if was so angry he would have blocked me by now or deleted me from his list. Why does he bother to keep me on it?

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He may not think its a big deal, some people have dozens of IM buddies and just dont pay much attention to each entry on the list...


He wants to see if and when you are online. He may want to keep hope alive that you will send him a message even if he isn't prepared to respond.

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He may have just forgot to erase it (though if he broke up with you and is so mad, this doesn't make sense).....BUT it's highly likely he somehow stays in touch this way to you--this is a way for him to know that you're still around. He probably likes to receive your messages and knows that you still care for him. He may have some anger issues to deal with still...or is guilty for what he did... and doesnt know what to say now or how to express it.

Are you hoping he might come back into the picture? If so, eventually you'll have to make a decision whether you want to wait indefinitely for him or take him off of your contact list. Waiting in anticipation for him to change his mind can be a total drag----I went through it myself with my ex. I finally deleted my account and opened up a new one that no one surrounding him knows. It was hard to do.

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OR...he could have taken u off his buddy list without even blocking you first,...and just dont see when ur online. That is a possibility too. If u want to make things easier for urself, take him off of YOUR list...


Out of sight, out of mind...it works.



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