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Attraction is getting intenser-Please help before I blow it

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that will help you with the body language question, the rest of the issue is more tricky...


She may not want a full on relationship with you -- many women now a days don't feel that they need a full time man and prefer many part timers if you know what I mean. Stick with what you are doing, you are getting there eventually, besides at 26, you still have plenty of time ahead, so take it easy, she isn't going any where...


If your working relationship ends, and you still haven't gotten to where you'd like to be, I would say to her, would you like to continue this relationship? and let her tell you!!

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Hi charmed,


I saw your post yesterday and I've been thinking on it in the past hours, because a few years ago I was in a similar situation and know how this can confuse one's mind.

As I see it, you have two options: wait to the end of the professional r/s, and then talk with her; or, if you see this is affecting your life (and I think it is), invite the lady to a couple of coffee and try to clear some points with her.

Of course you have another way, which is, like you say, "putting an end to the professional r/s"; personally, I wouldn't do that, but it's up to you.


Good luck

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I talked with him and find out although he had some attraction for me it hasn't as much I had for him. That hurt, but at same time it was a relief.


Let's see.

You say you're pretty sure she's flirting. So, why don't tell her how you are feeling and see if it is mutual?

You say it would let your guard down. It's true, but if you think there's a chance with this girl, why not taking the risk? In my opinion, there are certain thinks in life that definitely deserve the risk. Besides, in this case, what would be the risk? Find out that she doesn't feel the same way? Yes, this would hurt a lot; but, then again, you'll be sure and stop having some kind of hope.

And I agree, it's a very fragile situation; but I think, it depends on how both of you deal with the situation. Let's imagine the worst scenario: she just isn't interested. This doesn't mean necessarily ruining your professional relationship. It will take an extra of effort, but you can work it out if both of you respect the decisions and opinions of each other.

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You make some good points, and there isn't always an easy answer, of course I cannot speak for all women, only the kinds of comments that I hear from others.


I think there is a power change afoot, and we all need to be aware of it. Of course there are always going to be traditional people with traditional morals, but with the world the way it is today, I wouldn't jeapardize the work relationship with a play date, which is all this will be to you and her; you may end up hurt worse in the long run if you make any moves on this lady and she isn't interested to the same extent as you are.


You never want to be the one who invests more emotionally than you can afford to lose. I can't remember if you stated your age, but you will most likely have many years ahead of you for work and play and the kinds of habits that you set up in those areas may come back to haunt you if you aren't careful.


Let me ask you another personal question, since we are all friends here, why haven't you made a move already? Is she holding you at a distance or are you doing that to her? What has been your dating experience so far?


As casual sex becomes more acceptable in certain circles, the woman will hold more of the social clout than the male. The rules of dating that have held true in the past are changing!


My thought is that if she wanted you -- then she would let you know in some unmistakeable way, she would have made a move I feel if you were open enough with your feelings. Some women hold out their beauty as their greeting card and expect it will open doors for them-- and it does! What men want is beautiful women, right?


Realize that I haven't openly answered your question, but I hope that i have given you enough insight into her as to make a justifiable decision as to what to do. If not, PM me!!

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