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How can I love him so much, and him not care?

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Hello, well if you havent heard my story let me recall it for you. I dated this guy, Nic, for 11 months, he got sick of have obligation and having to spend time with me, so after 11 months of loving me, he ended it. I was very depressed after it, and i am slowly getting over it. I have learned that I do really truly love him, and knowing that, it brings back the pain taht he doesnt love me. That after all we have been together through, he doesnt call or care. He has moved on and I am stuck. Life is just a mess. Grades are bad, I have only one true friend, who is going to another school next year. I have been clean for a while, and I feel like drinking and smoking would take my mind off all my problems, but I know it will just mess up my life. How can I love him so much, and him not care? I mean for goodness sake he doesnt give a shit! How can I go on living. He was my reason for living, I mean I went to work to have money, but what good is money with out anyone to spend it on, no one to buy a gift for, whats the point of getting throuugh a rough day without someone waiting for me when i get home, What point is living without someone to love and te be loved by? I just wanna kill myself, cause life seems so pointless

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Whoa...Love struck, Um listen to me when i say this "killing yourself over a guy isn't the answer" you have everything going for yourself, your young, it seems like any ways when you said grades. and killing yourself is not the easy way out. you need to let him go, if he doesn't care a B33p about you then why keep hanging on to past memories when you 2 were together. Your Better then he is. You are showing it in your post. All you need is to find someone else. a MAN better then him. Which is Easier said then done, but TIME will pay off for you, and Forget him, Despite the LOVE you still have for him, its probably going to be endless. but more so you have great ways of expressing it. I can see it. in what you say, you just need to find a place in your heart that your comfortable with. thinking about him is going to make that "PLACE" harder to get too overall. Your a great person, you love yourself, cause you show love to others. thats what is important...YOU not him anymore he has been erased from your mind. and isn't worth you time. MOVE on you Will be Ok '

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Hang in there. Killing yourself is NOT the answer. Believe me. Time is the answer as awful as that is to hear that, because we all have that question....HOW MUCH TIME? You should try to take each day, one day at a time. Try really hard not to focus on what he is doing, or where you will be tomorrow. Focus on today, hour by hour if you must. Attempting suicide creates so many problems, depending on what you do, you could have expensive hospital bills and health problems. He isn't worth it and as a matter of fact no one on earth is worth ending your life. It IS hard, I know. I feel your pain, I am in pain from a break up too, but I try to journal a lot, and I focus on me. Today I spent $43 on myself and got a manicure and pedicure, it was so hard getting out of the house and forcing myself to go down to the nail salon, but afterwards I felt better. Try being selfish. Try not to remember the good times, and bad times, just for now. Give yourself some time to gain back your strength. If you need to chat just email me. Hang in there.

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I lost my g/f a couple of months ago, and she now has another bloke and says she hardly thinks of me at all, although she still loves me!?

I didnt know how to get through a day back then, all I did was think about her, our times together, good and bad (and there weren't many bad). I can absolutly guarantee that things do get better. I still hurt, though I dont cry so much. Today for example I had a moment when I had to hold back the tears but I also had for about 1/2 and hour when I realised I hadnt thought of her. I, and you, will have setbacks (saw her our the other night with new bloke and I had to act happy and make small talk with her), but you will get stronger for these.


Talking helps loads too, coz when your talking about it you arent thinking and festering over it, so keep talking to your friend.


Take care


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