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How did you know you are truely in love?

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I cant speak for anyone else but when I met my now (maybe soon to be ex)wife, I just knew. I just knew that this was IT. I never felt like that before and neither did she. It was right. I felt like it doesnt matter what happens, we cant ever get lost. I loved spending time with her (still do), just the small things too..like watching her brush her teeth, comb her hair. They are the things I think I would miss the most about her. Seeing the way shed hold my face when I'm down and kiss me and tell me she loves me. Its the joy you get from a person.

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The little things they do is what makes you love them. I know for me and my ex, boy guys on here have no luck eh? With my ex it was watching her think about something, we would have such fun doing the little things in life, shopping, biking, going out, even if it was just fast food!


The thing to think you love someone, just ask yourself if you could see yourself growing old with them, imagine you life without them, if you can't then you are in love for real. If they have become so integrated into your life that you can't live without them, if you find yourself waking up at night and missing them, even if they are in the next room, if you think about them all the time, if you share things with the person that you cannot share with someone else, then it is love.


As for my story, it is a long one, but I will try to shorten it. I was in another province, working at a good job, but I was so lonely. I thought I might stay working there, but I was missing my home province. I went on lavalife or maybe it was friend finder, not sure? and posted an ad, and got a whole bunch of replies. I guess I wrote a good ad! Then I got down to a couple of girls that I liked to email, they seemed nice at first, but after a while I found out I didn't like them, I was about to give up on internet dating, when I got 2 more replies. One from a Michelle, and One from a Shawna, well long story short Michelle no, Shawna yes!!! I fell for her the night she sang to me on the phone and I cried, she had touched my very soul with her song!! We spent many nights talking way too late!! I came home to her shortly after that, and we spend 6 wonderful years together!


But unfortunatley, leaving that job early and the job market for computer people at the time being what they were, I had to take crappy jobs, but I didn't care, I was with the love of my life, but eventually it started to take it's toll on me. So 2.5 weeks ago, I hit my ex and she broke up with me, after dealing with my problems for 6 years. I regret not fixing myself, and my problems with my career. So now that she broke up with me, guess what I am working at a great job, just started 3 months ago, but was stressed about it at first, now I getting good hours(casual) and looks like I will be full time in 3 months! I wish I had her to share this with!


I hope you read the whole thing, but here is the lesson in this sad little story, a relationship is something you must always work at, never take someone for granted, if you have problems, or if you both have problems, get them fixed! Love doesn't come easy and sometimes you meet the one great love of your life and you have to hold on to them when you have the chance. Fate can only take you so far, if you don't take the chance that fate has given you, it will never come again.


sorry about the long post, I hope this is what you wanted!

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WOW...Swift... never thought of it that way... but Yeah thats just about it. Here walk through this bed of coals.... OKKKKKKK. LOL.......


You know you are in love when you forget where or who you are....when you lose all sense of time and space... and everything else pales in comparrison.

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You know you are in love when you forget where or who you are....when you lose all sense of time and space... and everything else pales in comparrison.


Thats for sure in the start of a relationship. But that fizzles after awhile when you get down to the nitty gritty of daily life and cohabitation i think. I know a lot of women find this one hard to understand. At least, in my experience and from reading this forums

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I don't think there's such thing as "in love", or not at least for someone of my age. I'll admit, I love my girlfriend Ashlee very much, and would do anything for her. But I wouldn't go so far as to say we're in love.

Not yet.


Something like that takes time, I'd say. Most say they experience it, but might be kidding themselves. I guess, when it happens, you'll know,because it'll feel perfect.


I don't know abhout this yet, so I'll look into it.

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I think it can bea very primitive thing, but I also think it varies, hmmm, gonna try and explain.


I think when we are younger we look for that butterflies in the tummy feeling and we call that love, and it can be a very real love, for that time in your life.


I think when you get older and are ready to settle down you have that butterflies in the stomach feeling at first, but other things are important as well. You share common goals and work ethics, you find your partners annoying quirks and learn that you can live with them, you see yourselves being able to work through the rough patches, and you've matured enough that you have at least a basic idea of where your life is realistically headed.


That's when you start CHOOSING to love a person, when it becomes more a verb than a noun. The marriages and long-term relationships that succeed are the ones where both partners consciously decide that this is who they love and this is who they will stay with and then the continually work at the act of loving. Communicating well, showing affection, working through rough spots, etc...


Gonna try and condense the stories of the three people I have loved.


When I was 15 I started dating my first serious boyfriend. For a year and a half we were wonderful together. Then it got to the point where we had to start actively working on loving each other and we didn't have the maturity for that. We did part as good friends and still keep in touch once in awhile. He'll always have a special place in my heart and vice-versa.


When I was 18 I met the guy who would be the father of my children. We had a ton in common and very similar goals. We were together for 6 years and had two children. We matured differently though. He wanted to make a living in a band, not realistic when there are two kids to support, and I wanted someone reliable and around. We drifted apart over the years and fell out of love. Umm, I also found out he cheated on me but I didn't know that until after we divorced. We are at the point now where we can have a friendly conversation and because of the kids he will always be involved in my life.


Currently I am dating a guy I met when I was 15 years old and he was 13. We stayed friends over the past ten years and have watched each other grow and mature. We've seen each other go through relationships and have always really gotten and understood each other. We started dating a bit less than 4 months ago and so far it's going wonderfully. We have similar goals, we know each others habits (including the annoying ones), we communicate well, and most importantly the friendship type love we had for each other has turned into a wonderful romantic love. It's to early for me to say where this is going but it definitely has the potential for something long-term/permanent. It's certainly the relationship I've felt the most positive about, because while the butterflies are fading and I see the honeymoon period coming to an end I'm not worried or concerned about when we will have our first fight. I know it will come about eventually but I have no doubt that we will work through it without problems. I truly love him and he loves me and we both make sure that it's as much a verb as it is a noun.

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