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No motivation

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I dont understand it, I know what kind of things I need to do but I just dont seem to ever do them, no matter what people tell me it's like the information goes in one ear and out the other.


As much as I always talk about wanting to change I just never seem to actually do anything about it, once in awhile i'll change something but that will only last for a few weeks and then I'm back to my same boring self. What the hell is wrong with me =/.

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your in a textbook funk, nothing more to say about that...there's not much you can do...but what you can try, is to spend a lot of time with the people you care about, that care about you. find reasons to fight for, people, events, anything. if worse comes to worse, you might consider getting actual professional help, cause it can't hurt.


i hope you get through the funk, and i hope this helped a little



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Forget other people. If you REALLY need the motivation of others to get going, then you are truly a lost individual. You have to be motivated yourself, you have to think of the future, have a mental picture of how successful you're gonna be in the future, and then act on it.

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Funks suck... and they spiral. Don't think... do.


If you know the positive changes that you need to make, then do one of them... just a small one... and do it regularly.. at least 22 times. Then, move onto the next one. Don't let the sheer *amount* of change overwhelm you... just make one small one after another. You have your whole life to change.


Just an example: I don't feel like going to the gym, but it's good for me. So, I try not to think about all the reasons why not to go to the gym, nor all the reasons *to* go to the gym... I just do... like I just get up every morning and go to work. And oddly... I've started looking forward to the gym sometimes.. not all the time yet.. but sometimes.


That small change is starting to have positive impacts on the other parts of my life... not because I am feeling any healthier, or because I am looking better... but because I am able to exercise control over my life to effect a positive change.

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