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i just wanted to have some opinions from people who dont know me and my boyfriend! basically im 17! hav been a bit of a rebel in life never had a serious boyf b4 and played around, until i met jack in feb, it was on and off for about a month neither of us especially me sure what i wanted! jack was fairly shy around girls b4 me! anyway the beginning of march after many ups and downs we decide to make a go off things! i had friends in the past that had had long term relationships and didnt wrk bcuz the boy was protective and didnt let the out n stuff! jack promised he would never b like that and hasnt! neway wed been 2getha 4 1and a half weeks, i was very fond off him but did not love him1 i went up town and ended up kissin this guy id liked from b4! then went bak 2 his and the ovius happened! a week later jack found out that id kissed the lad and it nearly split us up but he gave me 1more chance he sed nethin else and itd b ova even thou itd break his heart! weve bin 2gether 4 and a half months now and are so deeply in love with each other i hav been 1000%faithfull ever since we are so open so close and totally live 4 each other! ' the moment he is on holiday with friends and iv decided that i really hav 2 tell him and hav shared my wrong doings with 2 other friends also his friends! and have wrote him a letter expressing my very depest feelings 4him and confessing my night of unfaithfukness within our 1st 2 weeks! hes only bin gone away 4 4days so far and i miss him like crazy he gets bak on friday morning and i intend 2spend 1last day 2gether and then approach him with my letters and all my sorrow and just understand that ill b ova! the friends that ive shared this with think that hell b pissed off however it wont b the end of us! i dont think i could cope if it was hes my everything and im his ! in the little time that wev been 2getha weve done and bin thru so much1 i really regret what i did 2 hurt him! i would really appreciate an outsiders view that is annonomus 2 us both thinks that the outcome would be! please get back to me! xxxxxx

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I think that as long as your promise to remain faithful to Jack, he will stay with you. After seeing the letters you have for him, he should release that you know what you did was wrong and that you will never do it again. Just dont do anything in the future to voilate his trust. Trust is a big thing in any relationship and once its lost it could be very hard or impossible to get back.

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I think you have a couple problems.


1) If you tell him and he stays he will think much worse of you than he does now.


2) If you tell him he may dump you.


3) If you don't tell him, the stories WILL come out, and he will dump you.


Chances are you are doomed, so I'd go with telling him (it's the only noble thing you have to do).

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