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How much Protein For a day?

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I work out every day. Run two miles and lift weights regularly. I dont take any protein shake because i simply don't have much money. What i do is eat a lot of meat, fishes, beef,..... My question is how much protein am i suppose to receive from my meals so it can benefit the growth of my muscles. Any comment will be welcome.

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hey how much do you weigh? anyways basically shoot for your bodyweight in protein per day.....hence 170 pounds, 170 grams of proteing per day. skipping the shakes is okay, actually real food proteing is better. for you shopping list use plenty of eggs, tuna, and chicken breast, best protein bang for the buck. if you go with the beef try to get 96 or 97% lean. split this amount of protein over 5 or 6 meals per day. this speeds up your metabolism, and will help burn fat as well.

this is a base, to be more exact on your goals would help determine your protein needs. and to be more exact use the amount of protein for your lean body mass..........

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A healthy diet would include for your bodyweight in pounds = grammes of protein required. So if you weight 100lbs you would require 100g of protein.


If you want to bodybuild you will need approx. 1.8 x body weight in lbs. So if you weigh 100lbs you will need a daily consumption of 180g of protein.



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i agree with the former posters. protein which is found in natural food is far better absobrbed by your body than that contained in shakes. a fact that the manufacturers of the shakes will not tell you, for obvious reasons...

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