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I have a crush help

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I have a crush and i really like her a lot. We met at my Best Friends birthday party and we have been friends since. Her boyfriend broke up with her three days ago and I really like her. The thing is i don't know if she likes me and I want to ask her out. I need help going about this situation. What do I do. I dont want to give up the chance of being with her. Shes The most wonderful girl in the world. help plez

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If she just broke up with her boyfriend, she might be emotional. You have the choice to make, use this time to either give her space or if you feel it is necessary, comfort her. This'll show you're even more by her side. After she's over her past boyfriend (and make sure she's not caught up in someone else) begin to slowly make it noticeable that you like her to the point of being boyfriend/girlfriend. When the timing is right, and in a collective sort of way, ask her out.


The Lone Warrior UnForGivenSR 0X

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I would suggest taking things slowly, don't rush it. If she and her boyfriend just split up a few days ago, she may want time to be single and recuperate. If I were you, I would hold off pursuing anything more than a mere friendship for the time being. If you were friends with her when she had a boyfriend, why wouldn't she want to be friends now? Trust me, you're not going to lose her. I just wouldn't rush it, potentially scaring her off. Have you tried talking to her about this? Let her know how you feel. Girls like to have a sense of security. Explain to her that you care for her, and if she has any traumas with her breakup she can turn to you. She'll have a tremendous amount of appreciation for that. More importantly, just let things unravel on their own.

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