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Lately...Ive been feeling pretty depressed. I have no clue why or what might have caused this. I find things that I use to go for comforst have no meaning or value anymore. My world is going black and white. It is summer time and I should be having fun and doing all sorts of stuff. I don't know what to do. I can't stand feeling this way cause it makes me feel like I have no purpose. The only thing I can imagine would be someone I like a lot is moving away...And I barely even know them. What else could it be and what else can I do to stop feeling this way?

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I think that there are just periods of your life where you feel like that. But if it continues like this I would say get yourself to the dr. to be checked for depression and get yourself involved in something that you enjoy. Like going to a dance place every weekend (that's what I do) or swim in the morning or at night, maybe start going to the gym. all those things help me. hope they can help you and you start to feel better soon.


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I figured out why I feel this way. The girl moving away is really pretty and really nice. But shes moving to florida and theres no chance of me seeing her at all ever again. I could ask for her number but the feeling will be different if I just talk to her on the phone plus theres about another 500 people wanting to talk to her. This hurts...

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how old are you? if you still live with your parents or a gardian then try and talk to them about how you feel, maybe they can help. If you live alone and are older then tell a close friend and talk to them about it.

either way it wouldn't hurt to maybe start going to cousouling, and just venting, they can also diagnose you if you have depression. and hey if you don't want to have to take pills for depression then think of it this way...You don't have to take them forever, You can take them for like a year, talk to your dr. and they can help you slowly come off of them and feel normal, then again there are some people (like me) that have to constintly take them no matter what so it all depends.

If you've never taken anti-depressants then just know that they aren't a happy pill and wont fix everything you are feeling, they don't make you happy when you would normaly be sad, all they do is help balance out a chemical in your brain to help you deal with things better and think more clearly. and sometimes (well a lot of the time) when you first start you will have to change anti-d meds and up or lower the dose to figure out what works. and it takes a few months to start to really show any signs of helping.

well I hope you feel better soon.

love Qtpie87

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I say, give it another week or so, and if you feel the same as you do now than maybe you should take QT's advice on seeing your doctor. definitely talk to your parents about it though, or whoever you feel comfortable talking about it to.

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O well if that's the case then I guess my last reply is kinda pointless lol, sorry, hehe.

well Im sorry you are so sad about it. Im not going to say what most people would say (you know the whole there's lots of other fish in the sea thing) cause who knows you might really like this girl and no one wants to be told that if they really like someone. I don't really know how to help in this situation. but I do want you to know that keepign yourself active and around others will help a little to keep your mind off of her. and I hope you feel better.

love Qtpie87

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ok well having a friend move away sucks. find something that you enjoy helps alot.it doesnt exactly need to be something physical, i like watching old horror movies but physical activity helps get rid of depression, uhm you can drink apple juice or something sugar is a proven mood elevator. i suggest you spend some time with her before she leaves though sorry your feeling down.just because your depressed doesnt mean you have depression it happens.


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