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What defines an idealistic guy?

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This is a question for both male & female to answer.


As a guy, I would say an idealistic guy have these quality






- the ability to conversate with other human being

- a good career (very important)

- can see the big picture of the whole circumstance

- know their destiny

- unbending virtue

- Wide vision

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Ideals vary from person to person.


Everything you 2 listed is not what everyone wants. there is no "GENERALIZED IDEALISTIC MAN". Some people couldnt care less about dancing, or children, and may want someone whos on the shorter side.....


personally, id probably prefer a decent looking ambitious guy, has a huge heart, sense of humor & shares similar beliefs/morals.



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It is true that not everyone is going to like everything on our list, but there are some things that are generally preferred, while there are others which are generally not preferred.


For example, MOST girls would prefer a mate who is taller than them.


For example, MOST girls would not prefer a mate who is a pedophile.


There are universal likes and dislikes, though not everyone has the exact same tastes...

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Differs from woman to woman.


Saying that there are some qualities a man must possess in order to keep a relationship interesting and.. well lasting:


Romantic [doesn't have to be sponteneous; just to let her know he cares]

Caring [protective but not over-protective]

Gentle [able to listen and talk about their problems too]


The one most important quality is being able to communicate.


No woman wants a man that shuts himself off and doesn't talk about his/her problems.


For a woman


I personally am attracted to:





Confident [but not over-confident/cocky]

Attractive [at least in my eyes]

And a girl that let's me be there for her and will be there for me through thick and thin.



Trouble is part of your life — if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough.

Dinah Shore

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