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Poem - Can you please read and comment/criticise? Thanks


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Hey Everyone,

I know this doesn't all go together and the stanzas all go together in a different way but I just felt so strongly about it and I couldn't find any other words to put in...


I miss you more than words can say,

The feelings get stronger every day.

Although I know, these feelings are true

I know that I will have to wait for you


I just want to tell you,

You put the smile on my face.

I want to be by your side,

I don't want to be any other place.


I just want to tell you,

I think of you every moment of the day.

And how much I love you,

Words could never even say.


I just want to tell you,

I love you with all my heart.

I wish for us to be together,

Never shall we be apart.


There's a special closeness, that's plain to see

Knowing that you'll always be a part of me

One day all of my dreams will come true

and one day I will be waking up next to you


So when I feel lonely, and in need of a hug

I will think about you and all of your love

I know that you can not always be there

but I know where to find you know when and where


I'll find you in my thoughts and in all of my dreams

in my wishes and that bond and the computer it seems

and even if you not always there for me to touch

you're always by my side and I love you very much


Baby, no matter what other people say,

forever in my heart you will stay.

And no matter what other people try to do,

I will always love you.



Thanks, I hope you like it!

Tanae xoxox

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