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Y is so hard to let go................

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It hurt so bad to love someone.... Knowing that they dont feel the same. And wanted to learn how to let go that feeling............. Wonder how long it take to let it go for good. Gosh is so painful.......................................

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I feel your pain but you must remember this....


Love is not an attachement and it is not conditional. If you know that you have loved another unconditionally then be glad that you had the opportunity to love someone with all that you are.


Sometimes people dont love you back but that is not because you are not worthy of that love. They cant love you back because of things going on inside them- its about them not you.


Also know that you have 'soul contracts' with people where you choose to experience certain things with them and then your soul contract is over and both of you move on to other souls to experience contracts with them.


Hope you are ok...keep chatting on the forum- you cant believe how helpful everyone can be!

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Sort of in the same situation here. For me, I think what works best is to maintain no contact. When you don't see em' everyday, you tend to think less and less about them. If you know there is nothing you can do to change their mind, its better to just take steps in forgetting them. It won't be easy. Heck, it hasn't been for me. Not to mention, there isn't a set amount of time that will rid you of this pain and longing. In fact, you may never quite get over them. But, with time, you will learn to go on without em'. Hang in there.

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impermenace is the only thing permenant - change is the only constant.

be thankful for the experiences you had with this person.

understand that there is a ying and yang to everything.. u would not of felt so happy saying hello to this person if u knew there wouldnt have been pain in saying goodbye..

i am going thru the same thing in my life n it hurts but keep busy, go out with friends u havent spent so much time with lately, excersize, write down ur feelings n thoughts, even if u skip from one thing to the lnext, just let it all out....

ull be fine in time... in a few days ull feel better, maintain NC and cry if u must, then go out n be happy later on... just accept the feelings u feel n understand u will get thru this - as much as it hurts now... u will be fine soon enough

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