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Confused and Kinda Lost...

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I am now in highschool, well I have been in high school for 2 terms now? Something like that. Anyway, back in Year 7 primary school, I had a real real good friend that was a girl and we used to hang out alot and everything and through the year we even held hands but nothing more (maybe a hug), anyway at the end of the year we got into a huge fight because she didnt allow me to talk or play with anyone else...


Now that I am in high school, I know of some people that like me and one person that has asked me out - One problem. After the whole year 7 drama between me and this girl (we didnt even get very far), I am too nervous to accept a date or anything. It seems like after that big set back with the girl in primary school that I dont accept any dates or talk to anyone that 'likes' me. How do I overcome it? I get too nervous and some people I know think its weird that I dont talk to the girls that like me or want to go out.


What do I do to overcome it? Should I wait it out or what? Because now I just dont like putting up with the whole 'Why dont you go out with her' stuff and I am too nervous after last year and to think last year wasnt that big of a deal because we never went into kissing or whatever.


Do you guys know what I should do? Thanks again, appreciated loads...

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well yeah i know that you don't want to be hurt again but in order for you to conquere your fear you have to face it. yes it might be a bad first time thing but that does not mean that will always happen. most people go throught the same thing u have so don't worry about what happen to you the first just forget about and move on. but before you go out with the girl that you want to go out with you have to tell her that you have this kind f problem with your ex and you don't want it to happen again and if she agree then you should go out with her and if she does not then don't go out with her.

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I agree with lil kitty. But also, if you really feel like you need time...just say that. Tell the girls you just are not comfortable with the whole 'dating scene' yet. I used to be like that and once I explained to people it was just something I wasn't ready for they were really kewl about it and I was even able to keep them as friends. Plus, they didn't feel so 'rejected' cuz it wasn't them, it was me..you know? And I think some people even respected me more for it. So...maybe that would work for you too.


Love you always,

Alex (ur sis)

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