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im a virgin and about to go off to college and have a problem... see im not currently in a relationship w/ anyone who i want to be having sex with and i am leaving in the fall.. my problem is that i do not want to go to college still a virgin - i feel im ready for my first time.. and i definitely dont want it to be with some random frat guy at a party somewhere.. however i also do NOT want my first time to be forced just because im going off to college and as if i just want to get it over with... a potential solution to my problem is perhaps doing it with a very close friend who i care very much about and actually dated a very very long time ago... hes a virgin too and we can talk about anything and everything and hes great.. how does everyone feel about friends being each other firsts? shouldnt it be with someone you care about and will still want to be around afterwards? ahh i just dont know! please help!

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My personal oppinion is that your virginity is one of the most special things you can give to someone. I gave my gf my virginity, and it makes me upset that she couldnt give me hers.


I just think that doing it just so you can go into college (believe it or not, thats the only reason) isnt a very strong one. This is one thing that you can give to someone that you can never give to anyone ever again. I dont know about the US education system though, im presuming that you mean that when you go to college your bound to have sex at a party because your drunk?

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I agree with Caldus. It sounds like you just want to do it and get it over with, so it is done. Going to college does not mean you have to loose your virginity. Wait for the special guy you would want to give your heart (and virginity) to.

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It can be a bad idea to lose your virginity to one of your friends, one of my friends did that and things are now very different between them as she now wants something more. I definitely think you should wait until you're with somebody that you really care about and want to share everything in life with, thats what I've done and I'm so happy that I have. Going to college doesn't mean you have to have sex, although obviously there will be more opportunities, and thereforeeee there are more opportunities to meet someone you genuinely want to give your virginity to, as opposed to the friend you mention. The fact that you are asking whether you should have sex with your friend suggests that you have doubts, and you shouldn't have doubts over whether or not to lose your virginity.

Your body is the most intimate and precious thing you can give to someone, use it wisely xxxxx

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No need to rush...and consider, too, that once you START having sex, you will want to have MORE...unless you have a bad experience (hope not)...anyway, wait until you are comfortable with yourself, with the situation, and with your partner...sounds like not yet, and no reason not to go to college a virgin. You`ll probably get better grades if you study instead of looking for the next partner, and it sounds to me like if you have sex with your friend you might change the relationship AND not even gain a steady sexual partner that you would be comfortable with.

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My personal oppinion is that your virginity is one of the most special things you can give to someone. I gave my gf my virginity, and it makes me upset that she couldnt give me hers.


I just think that doing it just so you can go into college (believe it or not, thats the only reason) isnt a very strong one. This is one thing that you can give to someone that you can never give to anyone ever again. I dont know about the US education system though, im presuming that you mean that when you go to college your bound to have sex at a party because your drunk?


LMAO at that avatar...

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