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Waiting for her decision

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We've been together for over two years and I've been informed she's been noticeably unhappy for about the last six months... for reason's I'm still confused about. She and I both know that if we're not happy it's not worth it. I love her dearly, I care for her more than she refuses to believe. If I lost her, I would be devastated but if she wants to split I would, I should for her, right? I've made it clear that I want her forever, I want to work through our issues ( that I've been informed I refuse to solve ) and I would do everything short of murder for her.


I feel if she doesn't want to be with me, no amount of persuasion ( which I do very well ) would change her mind or be fair, I would just be invalidating her feelings and decision, correct? She interprets that as it's all up to her and I don't really care either way I'm just relying on her to fix everything, lead the relationship like she always does. I will fight for her but if she doesn't want me to then I don't understand the point of continuing on. I feel I'm being blamed for her difficulty deciding, that I 'm supposed to decide for her even though she and I both know that's not what she wants and she's made it very clear she's her own person and can make her own decisions... so why am I being blamed for giving her her choice?

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oh my god the drama!!

my philosophy with relationships is "if I am not 100% sure they want to be with me or they are 100% sure they want to be with me or I am not 100% sure I want to be with them, then we don't need to be together" at least not exclusively.


the 300% rule has always worked for me.

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