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did he miss me?

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My buddy called me and left a message on my voice mail the other day! I was so surprised and happy because it's been a while since I last heard from him, I was starting to get sad in thinking I wasn't going to hear from him ever again or something. This is just a online friendship(never met in person) But, we been friends for over 3 years now!

Well, he left his phone number on the voicemail so that I can call him back but I am kinda nervous in calling him back because it's been about 6 months since we last spoken on the phone.

It took him over a month to email me! I'm glad he did contact me tho!

It's just so weird on how like it took a long while for him to contact me again. Is that a good thing or bad thing tho? He must still care for our friendship to contact me again still,right? What does everyone think?

Feed back appreciated!

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I agree with DG724... If he didn't care, he would have just left it at not contacting you... At this point, you don;t know what has been going on in his life for 6 months, so maybe there are things that have kept him from being able to contact you (life things, I mean)....


I say you call him and see how things are going....

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Thanks everyone! We chatted on the phone and it was really nice talking to him again because it's been a while since we last spoken on the phone!

I got his phone number now & he got mine so hopefully we stay in touch more. His b-day is coming up soon, So I'm thinking about calling him at 12am to say Happy Birthday!

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