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iam terrified from getting bold

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I have a problem which really makes me sad.. i woke up and i found there is a part in my back head which is bold.. not bold at all but like a small line with no much hair in it ..


A doctor said without actually seeing me that it could be resulted from my weak immunity... for ur knoweldge iam suffering now alot of worry so this could be the reason too..


Well my question is : is this type could return to its normal condition alone or does it need a medecine or what ? thanks for advance

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Well does anyone down your genetic line have hair loss? Especially hair loss that started in the back of the head?


Becuase if they do have hair loss.. good chance its just genetic. I never heard of people losing hair becuase of stress. But I never looked either.

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yeah my father maybe have this kind of hairline... but couldnt just happen that suddenly... i woke up and i found this.. yeah really it could happen from stress. most skin diseases are from stress or worry... well the doctor as i said without seeing me, he said it could be defiency in the immune system.. so still i have to go to him to see it...

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well u can search on the net and u will find that stress could lead to hairloss.. because stress makes disturbance in all of the body.. glands, hormones and nutrients... also it could be vitamins deficieny sooo pleaaaaaaaaaaaase answer the main question Would this hair return to its normal condition ?

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