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Every time I eat I feel fat. Like, I look at my legs and I see the back of them are getting fat. I feel like that's where all the food I eat goes. I guess I'm wondering, is it normal for me to feel like this? I've told my mom how I feel and asked her if it's bad and she said everyone is like that and that it's normal. I workout and jog/walk. Nothing helps! Any advice?



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It is normal to occasionally look in the mirror and say to yourself "I'm ugly, why can't I just be better looking." when you're a teen. It's mostly because your body is changing and your horomones are off the wall. If you're in your 20's this is more of a problem, unless you've just had a breakup in which case it's normal.


There are plenty of times when people let their looks get to them and almost all of the time they are wrong. They aren't ugly, they aren't fat, they try hard to convince themselves they are, until they begin to think it.


You've convinced yourself that eating puts weight on your legs. I think you should realize this isn't what's happening and it's mostly sub-conscious. Keep exercising though, that's always a good thing.


Hope this helps.

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self image...yes sure its normal to feel like you are not thrilled with every part of you. My concern would be related to any eating disorders.

Anorexia affects one in every 100-200 girls and bulimia about 1-3 out of 100.(us department of health)

If you get to a point where your eating seems out of control, you dont eat like you should, have obessive thoughts about your weight, exercise in excess please seek help!

be proud of yourself, your beautiful...we are all just made in different ways.

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OKay i am going thro the same thing, and i have told my mom too, she allways tells me I'm nat and not to think that, i mean i wouldn't call myself over weight, but not the skinniest girl in the corld,Yes maybe you don't think excizing is working, but you might have to excersize it will keep you look as you are now, don't stop excerszieing, and don't look at your self in a negative way, God will allways see you as his child, and i am sure you are a beuatiful yound lady!

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Thank you all so much!! I can't express how much all of you sharing your opinions with me has meant. Segagirl and Heretic, you both helped a lot!! Your words meant something, and to the rest of you, I appreciate it more than I can say...Really. I'm still wondering something, what do you think of SlimFast? Do any of you know of any exercizing methods that work?

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I'm 14 years old and I am anorexic. I always thought I was fat too, which I'm not really. Everyone always told me I was skinnier than a rail. But I always saw myself as fat, and still do because most of my friends have the "Cheerleader" type bodies.. Ya kno, the flat stomaches, skinny legs, that stuff. and I always thought I was like.. WAY fat! But I see now I'm not, and trust me you don't wanna go down the same path I did to anorexia.. and I'm only 14!!! I have come to realise that God made us how HE wanted us to be. If he wanted us to look any different he would have made us that way-But he made everyone of us a certain way and we should love ourselves and our bodies no matter what other people say or think!!

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