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1 hour ago, A92BAYB said:

I’ve been holding back not talking to this girl cause I’m too shy. I plan to compliment her but I’m not sure what to say after to try and keep the convo flowing

How do you know her? Work? School? Social media?  How old is she?

Start with "hi" and small talk. Don't lunge right into flirting, complementing (unless it's neutral), etc.

Err on the side of not being creepy.

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7 hours ago, A92BAYB said:

We don’t know each other 

Ok, then it's just creepy. Meet girls in real life at school or on dating apps.

If you hit her up like that on social media, she'll just block you or report you as spam.

Don't be one of these guys who looks at women's social media all day and decides to send creepy messages.

And Yes compliments from guys she doesn't know can be creepy.

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