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its been a while since ive been on here because i thought i was over her


shes been almostly completely out of my mind and we aint seen eachohter in yonks and dont chat to much.


but yesterday i went to a cadet thing and she was there too. at first it was lets try an aviod her but that clearly wasent goin to work. so i jus said hi and went with the rest of my lot.


the problem is that this event was althtics and consisted of mostly waiting around until your event was up. so she came over to me and we chatted then dragged me off to meet loads of old mates.


Anyhoo this carried on and she was flirting with me big time and i have to admit i was back. and she was sitting on my lap and we hugged a lot etc.

at one point we very nearly kissed and she came over to our bus to say goodbye



This would all be great if it wernt for the fact she has a bf. so i dont know what shes playing at. previosly i have asked one of her mates what was goin on and they said that "she likes you just not in that way". but she seemed to being more than friends yesterday.


Then today i got a text from her not sayin anything special just that she was bored. and as i said we dont contact each other that much and the only contact we dohave is on MSN.



So whats goin on?


Oh and one last thing shes goin to my college next year(shes currently at a difffernt school hence the lack on contact.)

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How far away is your college from where her current boyfriend lives? Maybe she's thinking of getting back together with you when you're both going to the same school. It would be a relationship of convenience.


Why did you two break up in the first place? Was it a nasty breakup?

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erm 15ish miles.


well the reason she gave was she was not ready for a bf. nut after many nights thinking i realised the true reason was she got bored. cos the distance although not much was enough to mean we could only really see each other at weekends but now i can see that it was my fault.




the problem is she has a bf. we are meeting up in a few weeks with a load of other friends.


also ive just relasied in a few days it will be exactly a year ago that we got together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well she didnt turn up in the end and there ended up bein just 3 of us.



and we basically just chatted about everything and the subject of ex's came up. and well the mutal friend jus said that they were really happy together which still kinda confused me but i dunno wot 2 do




its gonna b really bad next year cos i'll c her almost every day.


what 2 do?

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