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I am still hurting and it has been 2 months

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I was with my ex-boyfriend for 2 years, and out of nowhere he broke up with me, and started seeing another girl to spite me. He writes me at least 2 nasty e-mails a day. I was very in love with him and he dragged my kids into this relationship. He doesn't understand that he really hurt us, nor does he care. I have been asking him for 2 weeks now to retun my things and he won't. I asked him to put them in my yard when I am at work so that we don't have to see each other. He says that he hates me and wants nothing more to do with me. He said that the only way that he will return my things is if I go to his house to get them. It makes no sense to me as he works right down the street from my house. I just don't understand if he wants me gone, then why won't he just return my things to me? I don't want to go to his house, as I get the feeling that he is trying to get me to sit there while he fills my head up with lies. Everyone tells me that if he really wanted me out of his life, then he would have returned my things to me already. Does anyone out there have any advice to this mess that I am in? I have accepted that things are over, and I would never take him back after sleeping with a bar hoper that he didn't even know. Should I just write off my things and sever everything? It makes no sense to me, why would he write me e-mails every single day if he hates me so much? Is all this just a stupid childish game? Please help!!!!!!!!!!![/b]

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Um, yeah it sounds like your ex is not making the effort to return your things to spite you. He's obviously trying his hardest to make things hard for you too.


If your things are important to you, then perhaps you could send a friend over to pick it up. I wouldn't suggest you going only because that's like sticking your head in the lion's mouth.


Otherwise, forget your things, they are just material possessions anyway...is it worth it?

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Yeah, I agree. If the things you have at his house are replaceable...forget about them. As far as the childish emails go, dont read them, delete them. If you have a spam blocker, add his email address to it and dont worry about them. I dont understand why ex's have to do the things they do (ie. nasty emails, phone calls, etc.) in my situation, one example is...I get a phone call because there was still junk mail for me going to our (my) old address, and because he happened to be in the car with the woman he cheated on me with...he decided to call me about this...and be NASTY about it, like it was the end of the world because a freakin Pottery Barn catalog came to the house LOL! I dont know, my theory on that particular incident is that he had to "be a man" in front of her and embarrass me.


It sounds like you are ok with what has happened, that you have accepted the situation, so if the things he has arent really that important to you, let them go and accept that loss as well. Of course if he has your grandmothers heirloom ring...then send a friend to get your stuff


Im sorry that is the only advice I have to give you, you seem like a strong person. Im sure you will get these loose ends tied up one way or another. Good Luck!



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