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shoul I worry about other woman in his life?

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I really hope you can help me. I am in relationship with a great man, he is good to me, is loving and caring.

But he has love-relationship with another woman he had affair with a few months ago. She lives in other city and , as he said, their relationship shifted. It is mean they are not sexual and he claims to be committed to me. I believe him (?) but this situation bothers me a lot. I know they are in contact almost on daily basis (by e-mail and phone). He "try" to help her to get her husband back and she gives him advices about our relationship. I read their e-mails and there are always worlds of love and deep affections (she called him a lover). He is not lying about her but do not want to end this telling me that she is not putting our relationship in risk.


What should I do, get over that?

I know that men are different, they can have feelings for two women but this situation poisoning my love for him.

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You boyfriend was cheating with you and basically openly told you this and still he won't get the other woman out of his life. They are most likely still cheating, and at the very least are emotionally way too involved considering he is supposed to have a girlfriend.....you.


The way I see it there is only one way to cope with this situation and that is to show him the door. He is totally disrespecting you in every way and you are letting him get away with it. Take control and tell him where to go-- away from you.

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Do you mean that he had an affair while you guys were together, or an affair with this woman while he was with another person? Either way its no good, definitely dump him if he had the affair while with you, and if he did it to another woman, why would he not do it again? You have every right to be upset about their relationship, its far too weird and the way they talk to each other isn't right. You need to tell him to quit it or your gone. Personal Opinion Of course

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Okay, for one if he had an affair with this woman he should have ended it totally if he is committed to you. This is not like a friend who is just a woman that he has only be friends with. I have a male who is a very dear friend and in my own special way I love him, he has listened to me when I needed it and helped me when I needed it and so has his wife. I have always included his wife in conversations. I, out of respect for their relationship, talk to her also. But i am not in love with this man. I love my husband and 100% committed to him and if I had an affair I would end it totally if i really wanted to work things out with my husband.

He sounds like he is trying to have his cake and eat it too. Who is he to say it is not risking your relationship, to me it sounds like it is. If he is such a great guy and if he loves you he would not hurt you this way. You do not hurt people you love intentionally. I would have a serious talk with him, if it still carries on I would rethink my position. If you were to ask him to choose you would probably find out he would not choose you.


best of luck. If you need to talk please feel free to email.



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if he claims to be committed to you, he should not be dealing with this girl anymore, especially because of the history they have. he is being open to you maybe because he cannot hide the phone calls and emails. i suggest that you try to toughen up and let him go. he is a cheater.

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it is ok. for as long he make it sure that it is you who he love most and he had not have a more deeper and intimate relationship with that other one and he tells you all. then let it be. ask him to introduce her to you and befriend her. you can also help your special someone in helping her maybe you can be best of friends. as i can see she wants her husband back so you have nothing to worry about. never put your relationship at risk because of that. you can always talk things out. just be honest with each other. always put in mind that jealousy clouded a rational brain. unjust judgement is deadly in the end. don't let yourself commit a mistake that will make you better in the end. think twice. like is different from love. and friend is different from special someone. remember the greatest ingredient of a good life is to trust and love someone.





no man is an island...

life is simple, why complicate it?

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