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i have a huge dilemma, im in highschool and i am in love with my 30 year old teacher. ive had crushes before and i know this is love. its unrelistic to think that anything good would come out of this? i wish he wasnt so much older....

hes all i think about and sometimes i just cry because i know that even if he feels the same way we will be looked down apon and blah blah blah. when i walk into a room with him my heart races and i feel like i cant breath, i want him so bad

hes single, sweet, and gorgeous, its not just because of his looks.

i just need help to see if he likes me back. dont worry im not going to go have sex with him

he flirts with me a lot, well at least i think he does, so someone please help!





(and yes i do have a father and no i was not abused in anyway, accept by my heart)

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Dear DramaQueen,


The pang of unrequited love...


You are obviously drawn to your teacher. Have you given much thought to why? Is it his position in school? His qualities? Or is it that he is unavailable?


Those are all powerful reasons why we are attracted to one person and not another. My concern for you is that you not head down a path that could likely end up hurting you. When you have such feelings, you need to step away and try to look at the situation with clear eyes.


First, imagine if the two of you did date. It sounds like there is at least a twelve year difference in age. When you're older, you can overcome an age difference because both of you have a great deal of life experience.


But when you're younger, the relationship dynamics are a little more lop-sided. He's 30. He's experienced many events in his life that has taught him lessons, stretched his thinking and deepened him as a man.


You, on the other hand, have so much life ahead of you and if, for instance, his experiences weren't positive, there is the possibility he could negatively influence your life. It's worth considering.


Second, there will be the issue of friendships. His friends may find it odd that he can't find a woman closer to his age to date and your friends may be (rightly) concerned that a 30-year old man would possibly just want to use you for sex and nothing more.


I am many years older than you but I remember very clearly my "crushes." Almost all of them were unattainable. What I started to do, though, was keep a list of what attracted me to that person. What eventually emerged was a picture of my "dream guy."


And finally, years later I found him and married him. He's a sweetheart and it makes me very happy to know that the others were just preparing me for my special guy.


Relationships take time to develop and time to know what it is we're looking for. It may be good to realize your crush on your teacher is one more step toward the right guy for you.

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I doubt that he really does flirt with you. When you love someone y ou tend to see a lot of what they do as showing interest in you, when they just consider it being nice and friendly. I have liked girls before and then when they are friendly I think they like me...when they just see it as nothing more than friendliness. I doubt he has any romantic feelings for you.


So if he doesn't like you, then all you can do it like him. Enjoy the feelings you have. THere is nothing wrong with them. Be happy with your feelings and thoughts.

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