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Asking shy girl out from college...Help

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There is this girl in one of my college classes who seems somewhat shy. I would like to get to know her better, but there is very limited opportunities for that during class. I have never spoken with her, but she appears to be laid-back and easy going. Oh yea, there is only a few classes left too.


No rings or fancy jewelry so could she be single? Any ways to get an idea on this?


How can I initiate conversation with someone shy?


Also, what if she is not talkative and doesn't say much?

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You: Hello whats your name?

Her: ______

You: My name is _____ . I saw you around and just wanted to say hi.

Her: Oh or Oh ok...

You: Umm... do you have E-mail? Maybe if I could have it, I may be able to talk to you some time... (give her a pen and paper... ) Its ok, I'm not going to send you any viruses or anything....

Her: (maybe just looks and smiles.

You: I have to go... see you around



Thats my Idea... you figure out what you want to do

Act brother ACT!!! I act stuff out so much, that now I actually believe it 8) Believe it!!

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Ha, your in for a surprise. Actually open these people up and they will talk so much you will need to shove a cork in there mouth. Easy-going and laid-back people are generally pretty fun to be around, so give it a try.


Ummm, the best way to make sure she doesn't think anything is if she sits next to you (some seating arrangement or if you can sit wherever you want) is then to ask her about a test or something like another poster said. That way she doesn't suspect anything and you have an easier time for yourself lol.

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If I were in your shoes I would first try to catch her eye and give her a big smile and see how she reacts. I think most girls who seem shy suffer from low self-esteem. If you clearly show them that they are interested, they might open up a bit.


Anyway, she might react negatively (i.e. look away quickly and avoid eye contact indefinitely) and she might react positively (i.e. a smile in return, followed by occasional glances at you) and it might be somewhere in between where you can't really tell. If she seems remotely interested, I'd recommend going up and talking to her as soon as possible. This is the point where I always fail. I can never get myself to stop playing the flirting game... Girls assume that I'm not actually interested or just move on. Take the opportunity when you have it.


I mean, heck, you might as well give it a shot if you only have a few classes left. That way if it turns out she's not interested, you probably wont see her again anyway.

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Thanks everybody, those are good suggestions. But about Gauchori's point. I have her email address. It was a "freebie" because it is posted through our class on the college website for doing schoolwork. I have thought about using it to talk to her, but that is what a wuss would do isint it? I also forgot to add something about myself. I am somewhat shy myself. I usually keep to myself while observing and studying other people. I think she is the "observer" type too. These people who are observers are usually incredibly intelligiant. Should I bring this fact into the conversation?

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Depends how you talk about it, I'm not sure if you want to bring that to the first conversation. It might seem like you've been stalking her for a long while. But good luck! i think those suggestions are good too.


I just want to add that girls wearing rings or fancy jewelry means NOTHING in terms of relationship status, unless she wears a huge diamond ring on the ring finger. It's just personal preference.

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Shelby... exacly.... thats what a wuss would do....


She will think you are really interested in her (no good) and that you are running after her trying to find everything you can about her... Its better to pretend that you don't have it... than just for en e-mail apper from some secret guy and she saying... Ok... what the heck is wrong with this guy....


Anways if you want to Pm me for anything... no problem

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