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Suffering from cramp when swimming

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hi all,


i have a problem when i swim i suffer from cramp maybe 3 times an hour; as you can imagine this is very painful and very annoying! I spoke to the life guard the last time i was there and he said my technique in swimming is fine, it must just be my food. Only thing is i am eating the same type my of food my sisters and friends eat yet they do not suffer from cramp. I also exercise alot, exerising on cardio equipment and with weights for some time.


I need to try and fix this problem as I have booked a holiday Surfboarding. I really do not want to be out at sea and then getting cramp, as this several times an hour could really ruin my holiday plus even threaten my life (you tried swimming with cramp in both your feet?)

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I had the same problem about a couple of years ago, but never as bad as you describe it. I had two cramps in my right calf over the course of less than a week and was advised that it would be best for me to not strain the muscle further but let it recover for a minimum of 6 weeks. No swimming at all.


I was just fine after giving myself a break from swimming, and I have never experienced a similar problem since.


I am a surfer, too (windsurfing) and I know how dangerous it can be if you get a painful cramp at sea, so I would recommend you to not take any chances. Mention this to your doctor or the school coach--they will know what to do in your case.

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thanks for your help,


I will book an appointment with the doctor and see if he can give any advice, or maybe some kind of medication/vitamins. Someone mentioned it was a lack of a certain vitamin in my boody and to eat lots of Bannana? Its just really painful and really annoying, im not going to cancel the holiday as it means alot to me, plus its my 18th during the week i will be away.


I have not tried swimming in a while so i might take a trip down to the local lesiure centre, because the time i was doing all the swimming and suffering from cramp was when i was going through a stage of trying to be healthy. Meaning i would eat less, mainly living off salads lol plus i was almost in the gym almost everyday with swimming everyweek. It could of just been putting to much of a strain on my body.

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hi toggle,


Something you could ask your doc about is certain vitamins - I do triathlons, and I know a lot of people who find magnesium or quinine useful to reduce cramps. I would double check this with your doc to make sure it suits you - but could be worth a try. I know its frustrating if your friends and relatives don't get it - but sometimes different people just have slightly different requirements.


Good luck with it, and happy swimming.


website for your reference: link removed

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