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I think it depends on what you want to do with it... Sometimes, just having the 'degree' is what the employer wants, not even WHAT the degree is... For example, my degree is MLA (like an MFA without the benefit of sounding like you are cussing someone out). But, I am a technology director... My degree has nothing to do with my job, but my employer wanted (demanded?) I get a Master's....


If the jobs you want require an MBA, then it helps. If they don't, then it helps in that the employer knows you've gone to school, had the discipline to get the degree....

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I think that all the education that you can gather in a short time period is worth it in the long run.


It may give you some seniority over people, it may get your foot in the door, it may help you be more focused, it may make you feel superior.


You never know until after you have completed something how it really makes you feel. There is always change and growth.

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Sorry - I have slightly different feedback. So, you are in the process of getting an MBA. Why didn't you look at this before? will it help you? Well - it depends on what your goals are. An MBA can help you or it can hurt you, depending on what your goals are.


I don't quite understand why you enrolled in a program if you didn't have a set of predefined goals. Why did you enroll in the first place? Something motivated you to do this.


For example - I know a man who got a PhD in microbiology. However, halfway through, he decided he didn't like it, so he decided to go ahead and finish, but then apply to medical school once he was done. He got tons of rejections. When he called one school and asked why, they said, "Because you have a PhD, and now you want an MD? It looks like you have no focus in life. Why didn't you finish grad school with a master's degree once you realized you didn't want a PhD?"


sorry if I'm a bit harsh. I'm in a PhD program myself, and I can't imagine someone going into grad school without having some idea why they want to do it and the advantages and disadvantages of the degree.

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actually im an undergrad right now but i am in a 5 year program that gives me my bachloers and my masters. i really enjoy business so i doubt i will quit. i just want a broader sense of what a masters can do. I'm pretty much set on getting my masters, but i wanted to hear what it has done for other people too.

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Ok - so a joint program. Have you talked to the people at the career center at your school? I know tons of people who have MBAs or are working on them, but I, being a scientist, really don't have a good grasp on what they do.


First off - I don't know for sure. Is this 5 year program adventagous over doing undergrad first, and then going into a full MBA program? what are the pros and cons?


As for my friends - they've had tons of good job offers - well paid in what appear to be interesting jobs.


good luck!

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from what i have seen this is very advantageous because i don't have to apply for grad school at another university, i am automaticaly in UD's grad school, and instead of taking 2 years of grad school I only take 1 becuase i will have taken some grad classes during jr. and sr. year

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But do the employers see it as adventageous? Or, are there some that don't think it's 'as rigorous' to do them both at once, instead of doing them in two separate programs?


I know that most mba programs require that you work for at least two years before enrolling. however, yours doesn't, so I'm wondering if employers think you're too young when you finish your MBA. Or, if this is a prestigious program, they may say, "oh wow- he's so smart! we must hire him!"

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Do what makes you feel good, just because someone has a special title next to their name, it really means nothing if they don't know how to be authentic.


When you are 19 or 20, you are still innocent. Take your time to mature and grow your gills slowly, so to speak. Don't let others question your sincerity. It is an endless cycle, educate yourself now and then again, later.


Stay the course, was what someone told me, when I was questioning my ability in a certain field, and it meant the world to me, and it still does.


How about this: You can do more, better, when you have an MBA...that will send the censors realing.

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