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Should I try to Patch this Old "Friendship"

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I'm Open to hear your ideas of how to again, accept someone as a friend, this person is a women, age 26, myself 24.


To make a long story iv 'e had a sudden change of heart for her, i admit i liked her in the past, more than a friend, and i think,... Rather know she knew that, things i would do, going out of my way many times, being basically a doormat, My mistake was i did TOO much, made myself a very clingy person, if not desperate, and she wasn't into that.


That *i now know* are the reasons for why in the past she pushed me off to the side, cutting conversations over phone short, telling me she was always busy, etc....She wasn't giving me the time a day to go hangout when i pitched invitations her way, She just said she was busy, and didn't bother picking my invitation back up and throwing it my way. kind of shady of her, to not tell me that she didn't want to hangout, but she kept leading me on by saying it in person when we would meet at a local club. She expressed that in a really enthusiastic voice, which i think was a 'Cover' for what she was really thinking, which was "Not a chance buddy"


For some strange reason I have her phone number still, lol, i don't think calling is a good idea, its been about whew....umm close to 6 months of not more, since we have spoken to each other, So do You think it's a good idea to see if she has changed, and possibly become friends again, this time having a clean slate, I'll know not to make the same mistakes twice.


Good idea or bad?

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  • 3 months later...

Sounds like a good idea to me. I think you should call her and let her know that you have been thinking about what you did to make things go wrong and ask her if you can have a second shot at being friends, just friends! =) GREAT idea! and if she shuts you down, oh well. At least you wont live forever wondering what if.

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