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Would you consider this intimate? girl responses also needed

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Ok, here is the story.


At my university they have something where you sign up and they set you up with a native foreign language speaker. So I'll for example speak English and they will speak German. I'm actually over in Europe right now.. so I'm the native American speaker.


Well anyway they set me up with this girl around my age. They only gave me her E-mail address, so I E-mailed her and we met.. spoke for a couple hours, everything went well. Felt like a date to me..

So, I told her when we meet again.. How about we have dinner at your place, we will go out and buy some food, bring it back to your place and make the food. She glady accepeted.

I was talking with someone else later and they said wow thats really intimate to do that on the second meeting. I said "it is"? I didn't think much of it (just really wanted to make the second meeting cheap as possible and not have to meet at a bar or a cafe 8) )

Do you think a girl would consider this an intimate thing to do? Or just a normal friendly gesture? Remember I only met her once for a couple hours.

Like the question is better stated "would you girls have to "like" the guy to have him over your place to make and eat dinner, on the second time you meet him?

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Well if I hated him I sure in the he** wouldnt let him come to my place lol.. If a guy asked me that I would think its sweet and nice of him to offer that. Im not sure if she's interested in you but it seems like she is if she told you yes. I would just wait and see what happens at her place

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Is it intimate? Yes. Because you're spending "quality" time, just the two of you.


She's comfortable with you enough to let you come to her place but it is not a sign that she's thinking of anything further than having a good time making a meal with someone and sharing it.


Remember, you are in a different country, the cultures gonna be different. Perhaps where you are now, they are more open and accepting so this sort of thing is a little more ordinary. Consider it a friendly gesture for a start and dont have crazy expectations.


Play by ear.



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