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hi i need help because i think i may like my friend cammy she's bi and i get happy when i see her like i would with a guy and i have a bf. And i like him but i like her more and im confused becaused im not sure if that makes me bi and i dont want to screw up my relationship with her or with my bf if its all in my head. So plz help!!!

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It sounds to me like you are bi. I don't think that's at all unusual. In my opinion, most humans would likely be bisexual if they lived without bias and predjudices.


If you like this girl a lot, more than your boyfriend, you should talk to her. I'm not sure how old you are, but there's a couple of web sites that you might find helpful:


National Youth Advocacy Coalition

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Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center

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Maybe you and Cammy could go to events together or at least have someone to talk to about this. Coming out isn't easy, but it's worth it to be who you are meant to be.


Best wishes,



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I don't know how old you are, but it is a normal part of teenage development to to occasionally have feelings of sexual attraction/admiration for a friend of the same sex, esp if you are really emotionally close to her. It can be very confusing when you can't really identify what is is that you are feeling for her.


How far you want to take those feelings is another matter.


Whatever you chose, be fair to your present bf and don't cheat on him. If you are curious and want tp pursue something with Cammy, end it with your guy first, and talk to Cammy and see how she feels.


Hopefully you will have the support of friends and family, since now in 2005 there is really no reason to ostracize people based on thier sexual orientation.


I wish you the best of luck.

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