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SOMEBODY please i need advice

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im so confussed i came out with being by to my friends last year and they made a big deal out of it it got me so upset but now they still go on about. one of them keeps saying how do u know ur bi as uve never had a relationship with a boy and know thinking the same what am i ment to do i dont kno any gay men!! all ikno is i look at men the same way as girls but how can i be sure??

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You know if you're gay, and it sounds like you are very aware of it. If you are sexually attracted to other men, that's it. And you're certainly old enough to recognize that. Coming out to your friends was a very brave and mature step.


I'm sorry your friends can't accept it. If they're true friends, they will get over their shock at your big news and realize that you're the same guy you were before you came out. If not, maybe it's time to make some new, more open-minded friends.


I'd recommend checking out the UK Qu eer Youth Alliance. Their web site is qu link removed (Sorry about the spaces, this forum keeps giving me an error message saying "qu eer" is a bad word. Be sure to remove the space in the web address.) It looks like they have a lot of good information, and times and locations of local meetings listed. You're not alone. Hang in there, and don't be afraid to be who you are.


Best of luck!



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I know from experience that as you grow older people change and your perception on matters broaden. This, however, means that young kids are not as understanding and can sometimes make hurtful comments as they too discover who they are and what they stand for.

I don't know your age, but I came out at 17 in High School to my family and a few friends I had. At that time it was so nerve-wracking, that I thought I would not be able to bear the process. There was a lot of ridicule, confusion and explaining I had to do.

Let me tell you though, once all the dust settles it becomes so natural to everyone and yes, you can finally see who your true friends are. Those will be the ones who are comforting you through this process.



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all the boys in my year think imust fancy them as im bi


Hi, the thought that struck me when you said this was, maybe some of them fancy you too. Otherwise, why would they care??


Don't be ashamed, you should be proud that you had the guts to come out. I haven't done that yet and i'm twice your age!

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