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Diabetic insulin pump.

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ok, so for anyone here who is diabetic or even knows anyone with diabetis (insulin dependent that is) I thought i would share this with you. Ok so I've had diabetis for almost 8 years this september and a few years ago they came out with the diabetic insulin pump and it's so cool. It's just like this little beeper thing and you were it all the time and it has a little tiny tube that you can't see unless you are paying attention to it.

it holds a few hundred units of insulin at a time and gives you a number of injections per day pless when you eat you tell it to give you more insulin and it keeps your blood sugar under really good controle. Now If you have a hard time controling your blood levels it's great, and even if you have good control it is still very convenient and controls it during times when it goes a little too high, like when you're streesed, sick, or girls have periods, stuff like that. and the pump makes it so you only have to take one type of insulin.

Now a lot of people think there is no way they could afford to get one. thats what I thought so i never tried it. so My dr. tells me to talk to my insurance company and see what they will cover. And they cover more then half the cost. they come with testers that take odd strips and if your insurance company doesn't cover then you can get your diabetic consultint or dr to call them and work it out and they will prob pay for it, mine did.

so anyway i just thought i would let everyone here know that it is a great thing to have and if you could use it or know of anyone it would help that you should totally tell them to talk to their dr about it.

see ya.


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Hey my mom is a biabetic and she had it for 30 years (yeah along time) she's done niddle injections to get her blood sugar level to a balance and theirs been times its dropped to about blood sugar level 15 thats extremely low for a biabetic. Well she called the doc and he told her to get a pump well she had the pump and all and she is doing alot better with the pump. So it would be a good idea to get the pump because it really helps out alot.

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  • 2 months later...

This is a really old post but i just wanted to say my boyfriend of 2+ years just got a pump now that we are moving overseas together and its the best thing he's ever done. He's had diabetis type 1 sinc ehe was 15 (is now 20). It works great and we dont want to take his insulin and needles, etc etc everywhere and he doesnt have to inject himself before meals or whatever its great. He just sets it and is ready to go.


However he really hates having to plunge that needle into his tummy every 3 days. One time it didn't go in well and it made him bleed, I know he will get used to it but poor thing I hate to see him suffer.


He has very little fat on his stomach so sometimes finding a good comfy spot to insert the tube/needle can be a pain. But other than that it's worked best for him. I'd recommend all insuline dependant diabetics to get the pump.

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