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A question for the guys about kissing a girl!

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If a girl asks a guy if she can kiss him, will a guy say 'no' if he doesn't want to kiss her?


I'll explain the situation. ..


I met this guy after talking to him online for about a month(my friend knew him through someone) and we talked about kissing each other when we met. He said he would if I wanted him too. Also, I told him I don't make first moves, and he said he would keep that in mind. I said I dont know if im a good kisser and he said he would be the judge of that.


So I met him last week at a mall, we walked around like 10 times lol, talked and stuff. I'm surprised I wasn't shy cause I usually am but he is a nice and funny guy. So after we sat down at a bench and then I asked if I could have a hug, and he just patted me on my back a little. So we talked and he said he had to go, so I asked for a hug again and I put my head on his chest and he had his arm around me, then I looked at him and asked if I could kiss him, and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I was kind of sad but we were in the mall, I didn't want to make out while people were walking around. So he had to leave so I walked downstairs with him near the parking and he said it was nice seeing me and stuff and I asked for one more hug and asked again for a kiss(lol) and we kissed more. Not a lot of tongue but nice. and that was that.



We talked about kissing before so that's why I kissed him, I just wanted to do it and he's a great guy. I was nervous cause I didn't know what he thought. I did talk to him the day after and he said I was pretty brave. I told him he was a good kisser and he said I was too.


I asked if we could hang out again sometime again and he said "yeah possibly". Is it me or does that sound kind of weird? I dont know, I'm kind of confused so I thought I would get a guy's opinion on this. Sorry it's long. Thanks!!


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He probably likes you, he's just a smart guy who knows his game...don't worry about it. Look, if he didn't like you he wouldn't of kissed you. If he said "yeah possibly" to hang out some time, he probably is a busy guy probably with sports. Look it's not like he said maybe, if a guy said maybe that'd mean no, but since he said yeah, possibly, I'd take that as a plain yes. So yeah, you have nothing to worry about.

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he probably isnt sure and wants to keep things openended... he said possibly so that if he wanted to back out he would be able to... and he said yea cuz he didnt want to say no to you cuz hes not sure if he wants to or not... most likely you surprised him when u were the aggressor... guys arent used to that...

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Thanks guys. How am I the 'agressor?" I told him before I didn't think I would have the guts to kiss him and he said "Im sure you would". So I don't think it was a big surprise to him, but I don't know. I guess I will have to talk to him more, I do wanna see him again but now I'm not so sure he wants to see me.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Well I told him I liked him..and of course he doesn't like me back. I'm not surprised, I knew his answer. He says I'm a cool girl, but just doesn't have time for a girlfriend right now. I guess I can understand, he has 2 jobs now but still. I asked him why the hell he kissed me when he met and he said he just did, and thought I wanted to. Well yeah. He said he's used to people just kissing for the sake of kissing. I asked him what IF he had the time for a GF and he said he would slow things down and get to know me better. (We already know a lot about each other I think)


I was like what?? I told him he shouldn't have kissed me if he didn't want anything to happen. He said he's sorry and didn't mean to give me the wrong message. I cried almost all night, I really like him. But I'm used to getting turned down. maybe if I was pretty, I would get more guys. *sigh*

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  • 1 month later...

this is probly a late reply but anyway hope u get to read this but if any guy was to kiss a girl on their first meeting u would definitely be a pretty girl, he was probly just forced a little because u two were talking about kissing before hand and he wasn't thinking ahead its not your fault he has other things on his mind but i know how u feel with being turned down so much but i finally found someone who is very nice to me and loves haning out with me i hope u find someone like that. Good Luck

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They're right, it's evident that you are a pretty girl, you just need to chill out, there still might be a chance with this guy, just don't live your life waitin for him.


But I'm used to getting turned down.


Trust me, nobody is used to gettin turned down and don't tell yourself that, if you feel like a reject, you're going to act like one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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