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This girl I like a lot is really nice, and we talk every single day, but ?I just don't know what's going to happen if asking her out doesn't work right. She's known that I've liked her since October, and all that I've ever done is called her about 5 times, and given her presents that she enjoys. And when I try to ask her out, she told me the first time that she had to go to her dad's house that weekend (parents divorced), and I just asked her what she was doing over spring break, and she told me she was ahgning out with her friends and with her Aunt. And now there's two other guys who like like her and they're both friends of mine!

Guy 1- Short, very chubby, a little unlucky in facial beauty, and doesn't talk to the girl.

Guy 2- Tall, chubby, funny, and did a muscial performance that involved hugging the girl that we all like.

I have her phone number like I said before, but now so does guy 2. And another thing happened that I can't put into full conclusion yet either.

- She came up to guy 2 while me and a few other guys were sitting there too. When she started to walk away, one of my friends said, "Ooh! Not even Jeremy (me) has that!" Then the girl stopped and walked back, and replied to him, and everyone at the group with- "Yeah he does, he calls me all the time!" Then she walked off.- Questionable, yes. But anyway, I just don't know how to play this out. I called her yesterday and she told me when we done with our little 10 minute talk: "Thanks for calling." Which was good. So naturally, having noticed she was gone today, I called her up and asked her what was going on. She said it was a lazy day, and that she woke up too late to go to school, so she stayed home. And I did want to see if she was okay, but now, at this very moment, I don't know how to unfold this part of my life. Please Help.

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