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Was it something I said?


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Hello all!


Alright...here's my situation. I've been chatting with this guy online for almost 3 weeks now. The first several of our conversations were great. I really had an enjoyable time chatting with him and it seemed like he did too. The words were flowing smoothly and nearly every time he initiated the conversation.


However, just about 4-5 days ago, he stopped initiating the conversations. We had usually talked for at least an hour and now lately the longest has be 15-20 minutes. Now most of the questions I ask him, he answers with a one word response.


I'm wondering what I have done wrong. It was going so great! I don't know if it was something I said or what.


If anyone has any advice at all feel free to let me know.





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from my experience, that tends to happen....online you get to know a person really well and much better than before for the first few times you talk. Then you already know some stuff and are quite frankly kind of bored with it, so now there are just normal conversations between the two of you. As if you're friends already i guess, i mean normally u just have normal conversations with your friends, not hour upon hour ones.

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I had this guy friend online, the conversation went the same way. Great to start off with, then after a few emails/IM chats, it became kinda boring as there was little else to say. All we seemed to talked about, was our day, our work and that was it basically, lol. He's long distance from me, which made things a lot harder for us to meet


Agree with the above poster, if you like the guy and he likes you, then you best move on to some other form of communication, ie: telephone calls or a meeting perhaps? Else you will probably find that emails/IM chats will end up becoming non existant.

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There is probably nothing you did wrong. You just reached a level in the frienship where the next step is to talk on the phone, or meet in person. Maybe there's a reason you can't... like long distance.. and so the friendship suffers a bit as it has nowhere to go next.


Try not contacting him for awhile and see if he doesn't contact you. He might miss the exchanges and come at you with new information or new topics to talk about...but you should let this relax a bit. If he doesn't get in touch with you.. then you might just have to let it go. One sided is not fun at all

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Thank you all for your replies!

I just wanted to say that this is not a long distance thing. In fact he only lives about 15-20 minutes away from me.


But I do like him. He's a great person. I only hope he feels the same way. It seemed like he did from those first few convos. But right now, it doesn't seem that way at all.


I've been giving him some space, or at least trying to. I won't log on every single day. The last thing I want is for him to be annoyed by me.

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Hi Rigel - and all of you. I'm brand new here. This really struck me & I'm planning on posting my own topic on a similar situation w/meeting & dating online.


I'm not sure at all what's going on with the guy you were writing to, it makes no sense - but I have found this type of thing isn't unusualat all, with men. But it's confusing & irritating, isn't it? My advice is absolutely do not try to contact him - just write him off.


I'm sure it's nothing you said. See my post here Men & Grass is greener syndrome? It may make you feel a little better, just knowing you're not alone.

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