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He's coming...

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Today my ex is coming over to get some of his stuff and return the key to my house...it was once our house. I am moving to a smaller apartment as I am not able to afford this one now that he has retreated. Luckily my landlords were understanding and let us out of the lease. I havent seen him in two weeks. We have contacted through email recently because I informed him I was moving and told him he needed to get his boat off the property as well as return the key. What was intended to be a short request ended up being a long letter pretty much explaining that Im doing fine without him and that I am learning to like being a lone and working on myself and that I think about him and pray that he is doing well. He responded basically saying that he is not happy that he thinks he-s killing himself (ie drinking partying etc). HE takes 100% of the blame for the end of our relatinoship...saying he warned me in the beginning etc etc...says he misses me and hopes I find someone that treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I really don't buy any of his consolations. I know him too well and in all actuality it makes me feel extreme anger. Either way I wrote him back politely telling him to take care of himself and that we should not email anymore. It makes it harder to heal. Nonetheless i will see him today for the first time in a little over 2 weeks and he will no doubt be bringing one of his "boyfriends" with him because he does not have a car to haul the boat and he will need someone to help him load it. I'm thinking I will just pretend I am not home. If you have read anything about what's been giong on with this you will know that he ditched me to party once we moved away together to attend college. All the things he says about himself in the email are true. He is a child, he has no sense of responsibility and he used me.---yet now it's as though his new found self-awarenss seems only to be a justification for further acting this way. It's soo ugly and it makes me sick to my stomach. I dunno...I have been working out a lot and I look a lot better and feel great. I don't miss him too much...i mean I do a little, but I know how much better I am without him. Ahhh...I feel like i should be miserable, but I am not..we were together for 3 years but what I do know is that he made a huge mistake acting the way he did and in time he will realize it. I will under no circumstances take him back...none. I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish with this post. I guess I'm just putting it out there for anyone to relate too...it's hard man, but in time things heal...and everyday it gets easier

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