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What do/did you want to do?

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I was thinking (for once) about the fact that I'm 16 and I have the rest of my life ahead of me and what I could do with it.


I was thinking 'What do I want out of life and how do I achieve it'


Anyway, I always fancied the idea of working on board a ferry. The reason is because I'd sort of see new places, I'd meet new people and it looks like fun!


It probably doesn't sound very exiting but it's something I'll work towards.

But I really wanted to know what your childhood dream job is or if your my age what your woking towards.


I'm just curious?



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Have you ever thought of joining the navy? You get to see a lot of new places and meet a lot of new people, travel, be out on the water, and get your education paid for.


I was a Cryptologic Tech Interpreter. The Navy sent me to Defense Language Institute, the best language school in the world. I got the GI Bill when I left, to pay for college.


I would recommend going ROTC in college, though, rather than enlisting. I loved being enlisted, but if I could change anything, I would have rather gone to college first and become an officer. With the ROTC program, the military pays for your college education and you just promise to serve a certain number of years. You can even go to medical school or law school with the military paying!


As far as your question, I've done several things in my life. Right now I'm back in college studying to become an archaeologist. I love it, and it's so nice to be following my dreams even though I'm not a traditional college aged student.


Glenda and Sugaree, I think you should go for the dream and pursue the job you want. Don't settle for less because it's easier or other people tell you you're not likely to get the job! The best job is one you love so much you'd do it even if you didn't get paid for it. It's tough to get up in the morning to go to a job you settled for and don't love.


Good luck!




"We don't regret the things we do, we only regret the things we don't do."

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I remember leaving high school and feeling exactly the same, im still not sure what i want to do with my life nearly 5 years down the road, i guess you'll know when you find it.


I have always wanted to work with animals and also travel, something similar to a archeologist/zoologist where i could travel to different countries and work with loads of kind of animals too. Im on the right path at the moment im going to be doing 2 degrees over the next 6 years and seeh how i get on, but it will be a while before im get to what i want but if you want something really badly i don't see why you can't get/have it. Like most things you have to work hard and prove that you have earned the right to your dream job.


I would rather have a low salary and enjoy the work (work satification) than get paid loads to do something i hate.


If your set your heart on working on a Ferry, then i'd get in touch with your career counciler and have a word about possible routes to get that line of work or check out a particular Ferry company and see what they qualifications and needs are to work with them


Hope i've been of some help


- whitefang

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I want a job where I can get a great pay, but where im in a relaxed environment with no pressure but a job where I can wear suits and nice formal clothing.


I want to move away from my home town and live somewhere new with my best friend.


I want to meet new people and be able to do things like go on holiday get a car stuff like that. I fancy traveling for a job as well. I want to do something officey but not boring.


I don't really want to go to uni but I will be better off if I go. I did really want to go year ago but now I can't bet bothered but I'm making myself go even though I don't want to.

does such a job exist?


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